
Under the title PANNONIAN SUMMER ADVENTURE, Tourism Organization of Vojvodina (TOV) organized (June 29 - July 1, 2018) a promotional travel for tourism journalists, wishing at the beginning of the bathing season, not only to feature some of the most beautiful bathing beaches of this part of Serbia and the diverse tourism offer of the Municipalities Stara Pazova, Sremski Karlovci, Sombor and Novi Bečej, but also to suggest the individuals, but also organized groups and travel agencies, how to create weekend tours all over Vojvodina. Thus, with a lot of emotions, Ms. Nataša Pavlović, TOV CEO says "Vojvodina inhabitants were always releted to the rivers. From this unbreakable connection the most beautiful beaches were created the Vojvodina inhabitants want to share with the visitors generously. Of course, when we talk about holiday in the Vojvodina way, an inevitable station are also csardas, catering facilities located near rivers, full of tradition and the old times spirit". Indeed, the csardas got the journalists closer to the local cultures, got to know them with the way of living, habits and gastronomic offer, which mostly understands fish (carp, perch, catfish, pike, silver carp, bream and sturgeon), fish soups and stews, but also various types of grilled meat, pies and cheese pies, with tasting of famous Fruška Gora wines.
According to the idea the PANNONIAN SUMMER ADVENTURE should be a three day excursion, the Internet Serbia Travel News experiences this picturesque travel in such way.
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The PANNONIAN SUMMER ADVENTURE begins in Stara Pazova Municipality, first by getting to know the natural beauties of Belegiš Islands, the real small river oasis for campers and outdoor, river and fishing fans, attractive destinations for swimmers and navigators. The adventure continues by an authentic breakfast in the complex Dream Danube Home, visits to the Equestrian Club Mirela, Milanović Winery in Surduk, Macura Museum of Avant Garde Arts in Stari Banovci, restaurant Adventurer's Garden, with fish specialties. The tour takes further to Sremski Karlovci, but since the object of our interest are the Danube beaches, then more precisely, to the sandbank, formed about fifteen years ago, accessible by enjoying the catamaran drive, located exactly across of this outstanding tourism destination. After all seen and visited attractions, a dinner follows near the Danube, with imaginable and diverse food. And how could it be different!

The PANNONIAN SUMMER ADVENTURE understands further a visit to Sombor, the city of carriages, tambouritza players, painters and poets, but, of course also Bački Monoštor, the old Vojvodina village in Sombor Municipality, mentioned for the first time in the historical documents in the 13th century. This sympathic village is located within the Special Nature Reservation Bačka Danube Region, entered last year into the World List of Biosphere Reservations. Bački Monoštor, with its ethnic house and beekeeping household, surrounded by the Danube, riverbeds and canals, is also famous as The Village at Seven Danubes, since it is accessible only over the bridges. The visit includes also the visit to the Batina Battles Museum, the silk damasti weaving factory Novitet Dunav (The Innovation Danube) and Perfume Bottles Museum in Bezdan, as well as the visit to the famous Bezdan Sebesfoki Csarda. With music, of course.

The PANNONIAN SUMMER ADVENTURE is on the last day marked, first by the visit to the Bečej Fantast Castle, built by the legendary Bogdan Dunđerski, and then also to Novi Bečej, with the visit to Glavaš House, a carriage drive and walk on the kai at the river of love - Tisa, unique by the phenomenon The Tisa Flower. This is one of the best arranged beaches in Vojvodina, which offers all advantages of the holiday along the river. And near there is also the csarda Eleven Blue, where the famous Krokan Wine from the nearby Biserno Ostrvo is drunk. If you also plan your visit during the events in August - Assumption and Pie Show, the experience is complete.
All this the tourism journalists experienced, saw, heard and tried is a good reason for anyone wishing to spend the leisure actively in the summer months to travel to Vojvodina by the described paths. Mr. Dejan Veselinov, the owner of the Veselinov Tourism Consulting Agency (www.vtc.rs ), which executed this tour for the journalists, suggests travel agencies to include such program into their offer and Ms. Nataša Pavlović, TOV CEO, highlights the Tourism Organization of Vojvodina offers everyone approaching it advices, suggestions and contacts and concludes "The aim is not that the Pannonian Adventure ends only with the adventure, but this whole area to be liked and visited further".
ISTN provides attached the brochure "Bathing Beaches of Vojvodina", the czardas list and
the Event Calendar.