The 4th Spa Congress with the International Participation, organized by the Serbian Spas Association, under the auspices of the Ministry of Economics and Regional Development, held in Vrnjačka Spa, on May 15 - 16, 2012, put a difficult task to the participants, asking questions 'How to Form Medical Tourism as a Profit Center of Serbian Tourism', 'How to define all medical and ethnic components Serbia has got, which may be included in the sustainable authentic Serbian medical tourism' and "How to define the Spa Law draft to be submitted to the lawmaker'.
In the period of an unsolved status of Serbian spas, which, as declared by Prof. Dr. Milisav Čutović (Faculty of Medicine Belgrade), "were a part of the European resort system and a tourist attraction already a century ago", the Congress participants agreed the Serbian spas were important medical/tourist destinations, in which a half of the total number of nights were spent last year, that all generations should gather in them, that guests should vist them both for prevention and enjoy of Wellness and for treatment, that there was a good initiative of Prof. Dr. Dragan Delić, President of the Medical Council of Serbia, "To include a new institution - Spa Resort with the task of prevention, rehabilitation and treatment solely by natural factors' into the medical institutions system.
The Congress guests and lecturers: Prof.Dr. Zeki Karagulle (Vice President of the European Spas Association and President of Turkish Spas Association), with the theme "Hamam - The Authentic Wellness and Spa Tradition from Turkey", Dr Laszlo Pucko with the theme 'Challenges and Opportunities for Spas - What to Develop and What to Avoid'), Prof. Dr. Kai Illing (Applied Sciences University, Bad Gleichenberg, Austria),with the theme 'Authentic Serbian Wellness - from an Idea to Realization', Prof.Dr Jovan Popesku (Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management at the Singidunum University), with the theme 'Tourism Management of Serbian Spas', Dr. Gorana Isailović (Group of Authors from the High Medical School of Trade Studies in Belgrade), with the theme 'A Unique Serbian Wellness Concept - from Wellness to Selfness', Prof. Dr. Milica Lazović, from the Institute for Rehabilitation in Belgrade, 'The Importance of Balneotherapy in Rehabilitation' and others met the expectations.
As declared by Mr. Vladan Vešković, Secretary of the Serbian Spas Association, "At this Congress we wanted to form precise suggestions for solving most problems burdening the Serbian medical tourism and we are going to meet the relevant authorities with them now."
An important place at the 4th Congress was taken by a Round Table Conference with the theme 'Objectives of the Regional Cooperation of the Balkans Spas - 2nd Balkan Spa Summit', under participation of the representatives of Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Hungary and Serbia, pointing out the need to find an authentic access to the medical/spa tourism with all characteristics of the region where they are located.
During the Congress, followed also by many events, such as a visit to the nearby Monastery of Ljubostinja, presentations and exhibitions, Dr Dejan Stanojević, President of the Board of Directors of the Serbian Spas Association, one of the introduction speakers at the Round Table Conference and the CEO of the Special Hospital Merkur, Vrnjačka Spa, opened festively the new Balneology Center within the Thermal Mineral Bathroom.
The 4th Spa Congress conclusions will be the basis for participation of the Serbian Spas Association representatives in the 2nd Balkan Spa Summit in Turkey (October 4 - 7, 2012), featuring a new and attractive tourist product in these regions - The Balkan Spas, which will gather all those who think this is a future tourist brand.