Spas Tourism

Next to the Tisza, in the northeast Bačka, 15 kilometers far from the Serbian-Hungarian border, there is Kanjiža, in Hungarian Magyarkanizsa, an oasis uniting at one place the rest, recreation, entertainment and rehabilitation. It is 40 km far from Subotica, 120 km from Novi Sad and 200 km from Belgrade. This spa, 'swimming' on the thermal mineral water accumulated in the sediments of the former Paratetis Ocean, the precedent to the Pannonia Sea, may be reached by the highway Belgrade - Novi Sad - Subotica - Horgoš and the railroad Belgrade - Subotica.

The history of Kanjiža is almost ten centuries old. By its architecture, Kanjiža has got the characteristics of a real Medieval town, with clear influences of the Baroque and Secession styles. It attracts by its tideness and clean streets and squares. It is completely and, first of all, by its beautiful walking area, oriented to the Tisza river (the rivewr border crossing near Kanjiža was mentioned as early as in 1093), on which a contemporary harbor was built for the luxurious ships crusing on the rivers.

Many of the visitors call Kanjiža 'a Town of Silence and Health', but also of tourism, since there, on the bank of the Tisza river, in the parks and many other areas, many cultural and entertaining  / recreational events are organized. As declared by Ms. Ljubinka Taljai Maksimović, Managing Director of the Tourist Organization of Kanjiža, "Throughout the year there are international events here, such as the River Tisza Blooming Festival, children's and modern dance, jazz, fishing, athletic and swimming marathon, kayak regatta, art colonies and others". On the bank of the Tisza river, in the depth of which the Hun military leader Attila The Scourge of God was allegedly buried, there is a special path The Tisza Flower along the river section, in which 'the River is Blooming' in June. The river itself is convenient for water sports and fishing (the July event 'Catfish Marker Fishing' is one of the most popular ones. A modern car camping has been prepared for the tourists, as well. Close to it, the first Sailing Tourism Information Point has also been opened.



A natural phenomenon is related to the Tisza, as well. In the period from June 6 - 26, during just a few days and just for a few hours, the Tisza 'blooms'. At the walking path Tisza Flower, at the 150th kilometer of the Tisza River bank, at the exit from Kanjiža toward Horgoš (near the gravel plant), some time just before the sunset, the unusual bridal-dance starts from the depth of the Tisza River.

Cvetanje Tise

The insect 'Tiszaflower' or Palingenia longicauda swarms in its love dance ritual, after a few minutes, flies above the water and, after a short flying, it dies after mating before the sunset. This unique event, taking place, in addition to the Tisza River in the Northern Banat and the Tisza River Basin, only in the Great Yellow River in China, is followed by thousands of tourists from Serbia and Europe from their boats or from the land.

Tourist Organization of Kanjiža

+381 24 875163 


The Spa was officially founded in 1913, after years of rising of a hot, yellowish mineral water from many 'miracle' wells, when the famous industrialist Hermann Grünfeld had also the first spa curing facility built. One liter and half liter bottles labeled as Miracle Well Water - The Old Kanjiža are stll kept in it. In the meantime, new wells were discovered.

Thus, under the medical doctor's surveillance, the rehabilitation is carried out in the thermal mineral waters having the temperature of 51 - 72°C. The water contains sodium, iodine, brome, hydro carbonates and it is sulphurous.  The mineral mud (Peloid) is used in the treatment, as well.

Park banje Kanjiza   bazen u banji Kanjiaza   

The most dominant tourism facility is the Specialized Rehabilitation Institute, as the Kanjiža Spa is officially called, located at the large park at 87 m above sea level. It is equipped with the latest devices for physical medicine and medical rehabilitation, intended for both those coming for prevention, using various anti-stress, spa and sports programs and those in need of rehabilitation.

The following are treated there: rheumatism, conditions after the locomotive apparatus injuries, peripheral nervous system injuries, conditions after orthopedic surgery and injuries of the central nervous system. Hydro-therapy, Peloid therapy, electro-therapy and kinesitherapy, as well as inhaling, manual massage and the acupuncture are applied, as well.


In addition to the Kanjiža Specialized Rehabilitation Institute - the Aquamarin Hotel, one can stay also in the hotels Aqua Panon and Lupus, which, owing to the 'hot' connection to the Spa Kanjiža Institute, provide the opportunities of using the swimming pool, rehabilitation, recreation and medical control.

The guests have got at their disposal also a high quality private accommodation in the facilities such as Family, Vanesa mansions and others.

Hoteli Lupus i Aqua Panon    Hotel Bela

Ljubinka Taljaji Maksimovic

The nearby hunting grounds provide the low and high game hunting opportunity. From Kanjiža excursions are organized to Subotica, Palić Lake and Zobnatica Stud Farm. Interesting points are also Tóth Village, the Salases Đorđević and Kucora, near Horgoš.

The vicinity of Szeged in Hungary and the Morahalom Spa Center complete the feeling.

Restoran Delikates      

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