
Turistička organizacija Kuršumlije
+381 27 380 963

  Amazing Serbia


Natural asset - Stopića Cave, one of the most beautiful ones in Serbia, is on the northeastern side of the mountain of Zlatibor, on the left bank of the river Prištavica, at the height of 711 m above sea-level. This cave, with the Užice - Sirogojno main road passing above it, is located between the villages RožanstvoandTrnava. It is 250 km far from Belgrade, 30 km from Užice and 19 km from the Tourist Center Zlatibor.

Stopića Cave is a river cave as the Trnavski Stream flows through it. It consists of three cave and water horizontal layers; it is about 2,000 meters long and has got an impressive entrance 18 meters high and 35 meters wide. The limestone layer in the cave dates from the Triassic period and is more than 100 m thick. The first written records on Stopića Cave are dated in 1901, from the minutes of meetings of the Serbian Geological Society and the starting research was carried out by famous Serbian scientist Jovan Cvijić, in 1909 and 1913. The first explorers of the Stopića Cave were the Czech speleologists, who found out by special diving equipment, in 1984, there are corridors and five sections, at present called the Light Hall, the Dark Hall, the Great Hall with Pools, the Channel with Pools and the River Channel. Although it does not have a great many formations, Stopića Cave has got very interesting sinter pools, having special size and depth even up to 7 m. The pools flood periodically and some of them have become lakes. From the cave section with the sinter pools, the path leads to the underground waterfall called Spring of Life, about 10 meters high, as a real show of the nature creative power. The entrance section of the cave is open to visitors, including the Light Hall, the Dark Hall and the Hall with Pools. The access to the Cave itself has been recently completely arranged, the access road has been constructed, a large car parking lot and a path leading directly to the entrance and than over a small bridge to the interior illuminated section of the Cave. 


The Tourist Organization Zlatibor

+ 381 31 841 646


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