The dominating place at the entrance into the Djerdap Gorge is taken by the fortress Golubački Grad, constructed on an inaccessible rock, with high mountain tops. Strategically, it controls the whole traffic up and down the Danube. In the period of Roman conquers, the Danube was a natural defense wall, so that the fortress, through the history, was used by the Romans, the Byzantines, the Bulgarians, the Hungarians and the Serbs.
There are several legends of the town name, but they are all very similar. According to one of them, in the main tower, famous under the name the Hat Tower, the Byzantine Tzaress Jelena was imprisoned there. Due to her loneliness, she raised pigeons, by which the town got its name. The second legend is based upon wild pigeon flocks, which make their nests there, and the third one connects the fortress name to its look, it looks like pigeons on a rock.
The Pigeon Town Fortress, constructed by the stone taken from the nearby mine, consists of nine towers, up to 25 meters high, with wooden structures and staircases connecting them. The Hat Tower dominates the town, later on the Gun Tower was added, and in the middle, a square tower was constructed with a chapel, which shows that probably an Orthodox church was there. During the first archaeological researches, many ceramic, iron and wooden items were discovered, a lot of bronze and copper coins, as well as about fifteen golden ones. Impressive and in the tourist sense very attractive, the Pigeon Town is rather inaccessible and ready for investments and reconstructions.
Since Golubac Town is a spatial cultural / historical and natural unit of importance for tourism, one of the most attractive travel destinations on the Danube, the area that won special system of organization, arrangement, use and protection, due to its characteristics, value and priority tourism purpose, the Government of the Republic of Serbia declared it (June 3, 2011) the Tourism Area Golubac Town Fortress, managed by Tourism Development Limited Company Golubac Town Fortress. Thus, Golubac Town Fortress is, beside Belgrade Fortress, the only cultural monument having its own Manager. Within the Fortress, the Visitor Center and a park of the archaeological park are open for visitors and a harbor for tourism ships has been constructed, as well.
