

National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS), under cooperation with this year's host, Tourism Organization of the City of Subotica, organized on Palić, one of once most visited and most attractive and now a little bit as regarding tourism neglected and uninterested destinations of Serbia, the 9th Tourism Forum (May 9-12, 2018), with the objective of informing the representatives of the local tourism organizations through educational sessions and workshops of the strategic direction of tourism development and contemporary trends in the presentation and promotion of tourism potentials. In this respect, Ms. Marija Labović, NTOS CEO, pointed out "With the increase of the number of local and international tourists Serbia has to follow the trends, since the tourists look for contents, happening, they want their time to be completely filled. Therefore, our topic Creation, Development and Promotion of Tourism Products supports tourism offer of Serbia as destination".



Since tourism is an economic branch which shows continuous growth (the global tourism turnover grows faster than the global gross domestic product and in 2017 tourism had the growth of 4.6% and the global economy of 3%), Mr. Rasim Ljajić, Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, opening the Forum, says "For the future of Serbian tourism the key points are creativity, continuity, quality and communications. Even if there are not enough financial funds, creativity should be there". Having called Palić "The destination with the greatest unused potential, which shall be changed in the forthcoming period", Mr.Ljajić announced the tourism targets of Serbia in 2018 - "3.5 million tourists, among them 1.7 million international tourists, 9.5 million nights and the foreign currency income between 1.35 and 1.40 billion Euros".

The educational section of the Forum, organized each year at some other destination in Serbia, consisted of the lectures: Creation, Development and Promotion of the Tourism Product (Igor Kovačević, NTOS), Forming and Promotion of the RuralTourism Product in Serbia (Dr. Predrag Vuković, Institute of Agricultural Economics of Serbia), The Steps in the Creation, Development and Sales of the Tourism Product (Dr. Miroslav Ivanović, Regional Development Agency Zlatibor), Media Presentation and How to Communicate One's Own Markets (Bojan Jelačin, Pristop Agency), Bases of Media Advertising /Positions and Importance of Media in Serbia (Olga Baletić, NTOS) and others.
The Forum was followed by many sport competitions, as well.
The Representatives of the Municipality and Tourism Organization of Subotica showed to the Forum participants and tourism journalists also the attractions of the City of Subotica - City Hall, Large Council Hall, recently completely renewed Synagogue, as well as other sights of the city.


The next, 10th Tourism Forum will be held in Banja Koviljača.



National tourism organization of Serbia

+ 381 11 6557100