Food and wine 

The glory of Sremski Karlovci, one of the best viisited tourist destinations of Serbia, is transfered, in addition to history and culture, also by good wines and the wine manufacturers from this region say "The best wines in Srem were born here". They were drunk for hundreds of years and gained the worldwide reputation. The vine was brought to these regions already in the Roman Era by the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Probus and the tradition was continued for centuries. The wine manufactured in Karlovci cellars was poured in European capitals, from the Royal Court in Vienna, through the Czech Republic and Poland, Switzerland, Belgium and Moldova, to the pubs in London. They were in the wine cards on the ships on the way to America, including the famous Titanic. An information from 1754 was saved, saying among the 565 Karlovci households, 459 of them have got vineyards. The wines that made Karlovci famous are the dessert Ausbruch and Bermet, a dry apperitif wine, to which absinthe, anise, cinnamon and other spices are added. The Vienna Royal Court used to buy Bermet from the Karlovci wine manufacturers in advance and the Empress Maria Theresia spent a few days on Fruška Gora annually enjoying it, among other things. The Riesling does not lag behind the  Bermet and in Vienna, there is even at present the protected name of red wine under the name Karlovci Towein.  All travel reporters mentioned the Karlovci wines. There remained noted that Nikola Tesla admired Bermet, considering it supported intellectual  capabilities, while many others believe these wines have, in addition to the gorgeous taste and aroma, have got also the aphrodisiac power.

The tourists arriving there on the Danube  (1.244 km) or drive on the road, may choose where to taste wines. The wineries and cellars  Alex, Benishek, Veritas, Dulka, Vinum, Bajilo and many others are at their disposal. Kish Winery, existing since 1830, is one of the most deserved ones for the Red Bermet promotion and in the house of Živanović Family, in addition to wine, brandy and the "Srem Breakfast", one can enjoy also honey tasting and a visit to an unusual family owned Beekeeping Museum, founded based upon the Memorial Collection collected by Mr.Jovan Živanović (1814-1916), founder of the modern beekeeping in Serbia. The wines may be enjoyed by the tourists not only in Karlovci, but also in the cellars forming a network on Fruška Gora, in Irig, Banoštor, Neštin, Sremska Kamenica and other places on Fruška Gora. Especially interesting are wine events, among which the best known one is the Karlovci Grape Picking (end of September, early October). Manufacturing the wines, such as Italian and Rhine  Riesling, Traminac, Neoplanta, Slankamenka, Burgunder, Merlot, Frankovka, Portugieser, Muscat and others, the manufacturers like to say "There is more wisdom in a bottle of our wine than in all books written so far".


The Tourist Organization of Sremski Karlovci

+ 381 21 882127, 883855







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