The 60th GRAPE PICKING DAYS (September 14 - 17, 2017), generally famous as the GRAPE BALL, were held in Vršac. This event to attain the grape, wine and vineyard fame has got a long tradition and it is organized annually on the third weekend in September. Then, there is a real festival atmosphere in Vršac, the streets are full of wine manufacturers, barbecue masters, souvenir sellers and craft products.
This year's Anniversary GRAPE BALL, visited also by tourism journalists from Serbia and Romania, were accompanied by many events: The City Keys handing over to Vinko Lozić, grape, wine and fruits exhibition - The Banat Collage, Boulder Fest, free climbing on Vršac rocks near the Challenge Club, the Grape Picking Miss selection, street races, many sport competitions, concerts of art, pop and folk music.

However, the most attractive part of the Grape Ball for all visitors is the CARNIVAL, in which 20 bands participated this year. The participants from Zrenjanin, Srpska Crnja, Pančevo, Leskovac, Vršac and other cities featured there. In the procession were also the WINE KNIGHTS, led by Mr. Alan Bryden, President of the International Federation of Wine Brotherhoods and Director of Winemaking in Paris, cultural/artistic societies, sport clubs, fencer clubs, Vespa Motorcycle Fan Club and many others.
After the visit to this event, as estimated by the organizer, visited by more than 100,000 people from all regions of Serbia, as well as the neighboring Romania, we had the imposed impression that, beside the good organization, great atmosphere is its most important characteristic. The visit to the next - 61st GRAPE PICKING DAYS GRAPE BALL (September 13 - 16, 2018) has already been ensured now.
The first written document about wine from VRŠAC VINEYARD REGION is dated 1494, when it was recorded the Hungarian Royal Court of the King Vladislav II paid 10.5 ducats for a barrel of Vršac wine. The First Wine Exhibition in Vršac was held in the inn 'At Two Keys', in 1857. |
This wine event mascot is Vinko Lozić, "a direct descendant of the God Bachus", whose literary father is the great Serbian writer Jovan Sterija Popović. At the GRAPE BALL festive opening, the Mayor of Vršac hands over the town keys to Vinko Lozić and after the three 'Ruling' days, he returns them at the festive closing.
