With a suitcase worldwide

Sharm el-Sheikh, located on the utmost South of Sinai, just at the entry into the Arabian Gulf, is a simple combination of sun, sea, sand, luxury of the five star hotels, water sports, a huge marina with the most luxurious yachts anchored there, shopping in the bazaar Naama Bay and the night life in the company of belly dance ladies from "The Thousand and One Night". It is located on a land bought from the Bedouins and taken from the dust and sand. This shiny, dazzling and luxuriously rich town is one of the largest and best known underwater fishing and diving centers. Tourists from the whole world rush there to see the Mekka of the underwater world, which has got more than 150 plant species, coral islands and numerous settlements of fish, turtles and crabs. The sea is not very salty and it is warm any time in a year.

Sharm el-Sheikh is the meeting point of all worldwide hotel chains, who compete in the luxury and originality of their offers. The one who hasn't got its block in the southern region of the Sinai Peninsula were as if it did not exist on the hotel - tourist map, either. And all of them attempt to find out most diverse and extensive staying for the tourists. A visit to the Red Canyon is a must. Indiana Jones ran through it looking for the Saint Grail, in one of his films. Tours to the "Blue" Cave, full of stalactites and coral reeves and one can see the underwater world sailing on a ship with the glass bottom. The greatest happening, however, is the tour to the St. Catherine Monastery, 225 kilometers far from Sharm el-Sheikh, which is the largest Orthodox oasis in this part of the world. The tourists usually start about 2.00 a. m., in order to wait for the sunrise. The Monastery is located at the mountain base, on which, as the legend says, Moses took the Ten Commandments, after the God had told him, near the chapel of "The Burning Bush", to take off his sandals, because they were on a Holy Ground. The monks were trying for centuries to remove "The Burning Bush" to another place, but it dried wherever they would plant it.

Iako je u Tunisu zvaničan jezik arapski, svi govore francuski a u turističkim mestima
solidno se služe i engleskim jer je turizam jedna od najznačajnijih privrednih grana.
Do Tunisa se najlakše stiže avionom. Aerodrom Kartagina udaljen je 8 km od glavnog grada Tunisa –Tunisa i put do njega je pun intenzivnih boja, od azurnog neba, preko mora u svim mogućim tonovima plave, do belih fasada seoceta Sidu Bu Saida i neverovatnih boja cveća i rastinja.Sve je u Tunisu u znaku turizma.Nabel je poznat po grnčariji i najlepšim plažama, a Sus, stari feničanski grad Hadrumet, ima Medinu sa ulicama punim šarenila tradicionalnih nošnji, blještvih izloga zlata, mirisa parfema, kože i orijentalnih začina. Port el Kantui, sa marinom u kojoj se ljuljuškaju jahte milionera, prava flota malih čamaca, katamarani, gusarski brofovi zan iznajmljivanje i mini podmornice, najluksuznije je letovalište Tunisa. Monastir sa velelepnim mauzolejom Habiba Burgibe i Mahdia, nekadašnja prestonica Fatmida, biseri su ntuniskog turizma.Hamamet, bivše ribarsko mesto, u kome su boravili i Vinston Čerčil, Antoni Idn, Andre Židi i drugi, danas ima novi deo, najmoderniji u Tunisu, gra?en po uzoru na Azurnu obalu.
Sam grad Tunis najviše je uskladio staro i novo. Do srca grada, Medine i stare zgrade engelske ambasade danas poznatoj po tome što je u njoj sniman čuveni film „Engleski pacijent“ stiže se duž avenije sa modernim tržnim centrima i hotelima od kojih najveći pripada lancu „El Muradi“.
Tunis je bezbedna zemlja u kojoj se boravi u odličnim hotelima, kupa u toplom moru, jede zanimljiva hrana sa dosta začina, piju sjajna vina, pravljena po francuskoj recepturi, kupuju raznorazne drangulije i dobre kožne tašne i jakne, noću zabavlja u restoranima sa trbušnim plesom. Istorija oličena u Kartagini, osećaj avanture za vreme boravka u Sahari i preplitanje tradicije orijenta sa ostatkom sveta, sastavni su deo Tunisa koji treba doživeti. Makar jedamput.

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Although the tap water in Sharm el-Sheikh is yellow from sulfur, the sea was called "Red". There are two explanations and both of them are true in their own ways. By one of them, the desert under the sun provides a red shine at the sunset, which gives the color to the sea. By the other explanation, the sea is red due to many diverse, but mostly red fish, which are beautiful and - not eatable. All worldwide cuisines are represented in Sharm el-Sheikh. There are many spices, various salt-sweet sauces and candied and cream pastries boiling in the lemon juice. With a meal, everybody drinks tea or "Karkade", a very sweet hibiscus drink. Sharm el-Sheikh lives a thousand kilometers an hour. It has got the newly constructed "old" center in the Naama Bay, a bazaar with alabaster souvenirs, coffee bars, in which "Shisha" water pipes are smoked and to which their owners lure you all the time, in order to let you write down something in your own language in the "Impressions Notebook". Sharm el-Sheikh has got its modern and expensive leather shops, its habits, among which the one with bargaining is the most attractive one, its music and, first of all, its scent from the hundreds of most unusual spices, sold everywhere. Sharm el-Sheikh looks for its reflection at the Red Sea surface. If there is any opportunity to do so, one should see his mirror image in it, at least once in the life.