One of the rare countries, which is interesting for tourists any time of the year is Tunisia. Among other things, also because of the fact that one enters this North African country without a visa. In this smallest North African country there is plenty of everything. From the mountainous and green North, through the Mediterranean blue medium part, down to the Sahara South, there is a land of dense planted date palms, orange plantations, vineyards and developed agricultural regions. Tunisia is one of the most liberal Islamic countries, in which women walk freely, without the obligation of hiding their faces and in which alcoholic drinks are served in hotels and restaurants.
Tunisia extends at 164,000 square kilometers and it has 9,200,000 inhabitants. The most popular tourist places are located along the 1,400 km long Mediterranean coast, with many sand beaches, among which the most popular ones are those in Hammameth, Nabel, Port el Kantui, Sus and Mahdia.
In Tunisia, founded in 814 B. C. by Phoenicians led by the Queen Didah, passed through by the Romans, Vandals, Byzantines, Arabs, Turks and the French, having French painting, Arabic music and Turkish baths, a tourist is somewhere between the ancient past and the modern era, of which first of all the architecture is adapted to the space.

Iako je u Tunisu zvaničan jezik arapski, svi govore francuski a u turističkim mestima
solidno se služe i engleskim jer je turizam jedna od najznačajnijih privrednih grana.
Do Tunisa se najlakše stiže avionom. Aerodrom Kartagina udaljen je 8 km od glavnog grada Tunisa –Tunisa i put do njega je pun intenzivnih boja, od azurnog neba, preko mora u svim mogućim tonovima plave, do belih fasada seoceta Sidu Bu Saida i neverovatnih boja cveća i rastinja.Sve je u Tunisu u znaku turizma.Nabel je poznat po grnčariji i najlepšim plažama, a Sus, stari feničanski grad Hadrumet, ima Medinu sa ulicama punim šarenila tradicionalnih nošnji, blještvih izloga zlata, mirisa parfema, kože i orijentalnih začina. Port el Kantui, sa marinom u kojoj se ljuljuškaju jahte milionera, prava flota malih čamaca, katamarani, gusarski brofovi zan iznajmljivanje i mini podmornice, najluksuznije je letovalište Tunisa. Monastir sa velelepnim mauzolejom Habiba Burgibe i Mahdia, nekadašnja prestonica Fatmida, biseri su ntuniskog turizma.Hamamet, bivše ribarsko mesto, u kome su boravili i Vinston Čerčil, Antoni Idn, Andre Židi i drugi, danas ima novi deo, najmoderniji u Tunisu, gra?en po uzoru na Azurnu obalu.
Sam grad Tunis najviše je uskladio staro i novo. Do srca grada, Medine i stare zgrade engelske ambasade danas poznatoj po tome što je u njoj sniman čuveni film „Engleski pacijent“ stiže se duž avenije sa modernim tržnim centrima i hotelima od kojih najveći pripada lancu „El Muradi“.
Tunis je bezbedna zemlja u kojoj se boravi u odličnim hotelima, kupa u toplom moru, jede zanimljiva hrana sa dosta začina, piju sjajna vina, pravljena po francuskoj recepturi, kupuju raznorazne drangulije i dobre kožne tašne i jakne, noću zabavlja u restoranima sa trbušnim plesom. Istorija oličena u Kartagini, osećaj avanture za vreme boravka u Sahari i preplitanje tradicije orijenta sa ostatkom sveta, sastavni su deo Tunisa koji treba doživeti. Makar jedamput.

Although Arabic is the official language in Tunisia, everyone speaks French and in the tourist towns English is also spoken rather well, since tourism is one of the most important economic branches.
The easiest way to reach Tunisia is by plane. The Carthage Airport is 8 km away from Tunisia, the capital of Tunisia and the way to it is full of intensive colors, from the azure sky, through the sea in all possible blue nuances, to the white facades of the small village Sidu Bu Said and incredible flower and plant colors. Everything in Tunisia is marked by tourism. Nabel is famous for pottery and the most beautiful beaches, and Sus, the old Phoenician town Hadrumeth, has got Medina with streets full of the traditional clothes medley, shining shop windows full of gold, scent of perfume, leather and Oriental spices. Port el Kantui, with a marina, in which millionaires' yachts swing, a real small boat fleet, catamarans, the pirates' ships to rent and mini submarines, is the most luxurious holidays destination in Tunisia.
A monastery with the magnificent mausoleum of Mr. Habib Burghiba, and Mahdia, the former capital of Fatmids, are the pearls of Tunisian tourism. Hammameth, the former fishermen's town, where also Sir Winston Churchill used to stay, as well as Anthony Eden, Andres Judy and others, has got a new part at present, the most fashionable one in Tunisia, built taking the Azure Coast as a model.
The Tunisia City itself has mostly coordinated the old and the new. The city center, Medina and the old building of British Embassy, nowadays famous for production of the famous film "The English Patient" there, may be reached along the avenue with modern shopping centers and hotels, the largest of which belongs to the "El Muradi" chain.
Tunisia is a safe country, in which one can stay in excellent hotels, bath in a warm sea, eat interesting food with a lot of spices, drink great wines, produced under the French recipe, buy various small items and good leather bags and jackets, have a good time at night in restaurants with belly dance. The history, shown by Carthage, the adventure feeling during the stay in Sahara and an interlace of the Oriental tradition with the rest of the world, are a form pat of Tunisia, which should be seen. Once, at least.

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