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Bodrum, the Turkish Saint Tropez, one of the most popular summer resorts and yachting centers at the Aegean Sea coast and ports in Mugla Province, was famous in the ancient Greece as Halicarnassus and in the Medieval Era as Petronium. It is located on the Bodrum peninsula, near the entry into the Gulf of Gökova, facing the Greek island of Kos. In the ancient time, Homer described this most attractive region of the southern Aegean Sea as 'the Land of Eternal Blue', probably animated by the turquoise blue and crystal clean sea and splendid climate. By the 1930's, Bodrum was a fishermen's village, built on the remnants of the ancient Halicarnassus. In the tourism sense the world discovered it owing to the writer Cevat Şakir, famous as the 'Fisherman of Halicarnassus', who wrote so inspirative texts on the town during his capture in the local fortress, that he motivated numerous adventurers to come and discover this interesting and previously unknown destination.


Bodrum charms the tourists by its diversity, a connection of East and West, the old and new, lively villas on the nearby slopes, the marina as a center of luxury yachts and the local gullets transporting tourists, narrow streets taking down to the sea, beaches and restaurants with sea food or local specialties, lined along the coast, ideal for romantic dinners. This town shines a specific Turkish charm and character, wonderfully balancing between the exotic bazaars, musein singing and the ancient history. Bodrum is certainly a tourist destination not to be missed.


When he visits Bodrum, the modern tourist first finds out that the Greek historian Herodotus (484 - 420 BC) - the Father of History and then that Bodrum - Halicarnassus had the greatest glory under the Czar Mausolus, who ruled it on behalf of the Persians. When he died in 353 BC, Artemisia II of Caria employed the ancient Greek architects and sculptors to build a tomb for him. The tomb was so monumental that it became one of the Seven World Wonders of the ancient world and the word 'mausoleum' derives from it. From this fascinating temple decorated with reliefs and statuary on a massive base, today only the foundations and a few pieces of sculpture remained.
Through the history, Bodrum was also the ruling place of the Crusader Knights who built the Castle of Saint Peter in 1404, today the seat of the outstanding Museum of the Underwater Archaeology and after that of Suleyman the Magnificent.




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Like in the whole Turkey, shopping is also in Bodrum a real attraction, with thousands of shops along the main streets. One can buy virtually anything there at very good prices, from carpets, golden and silver jewelry, garments (usually a copy of famous brands), spices, sweets and nargilehs. On Tuesdays, also a market for hand made souvenirs is open and on Fridays, the one for fruits and vegetables. To buy in Turkey without bargaining is unthinkable.

Some of the shops are open till late in the evening and some even the whole night. Carpets are among the best selling souvenirs in Turkey. In the villages around Bodrum, Milas and Mumcular small carpets are still woven in the traditional way. In the towns Bakirköy and Kavaklidere hand made copper items are bought. There are leather and cotton products everywhere.