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In the northeastern part of Serbia, 82 km southeast from Belgrade, between the Danube, Velika Morava and Mlava, in the middle of the fruitful plain of  Stig, Požarevac is situated, the cultural, economic and administration center of Braničevo District. By the main road M - 24 it is connected to the highway Belgrade - Niš and by the road M -25 it is connected to Golubac and Kladovo. Special traffic, economic and tourism importance for Požarevac has got the Danube river, flowing in the length of 13 km through the Municipality of Požarevac.  However, as the tourism journalists who visited Požarevac assured themselves, the tourism synonym of this city are LJUBIČEVO STUD FARM, ARCHEOLOGICAL LOCALITY - ROMAN TOWN AND MILITARY CAMP VIMINATIUM, MILENA PAVLOVIĆ BARILLI GALLERY AND BARILLI FEMALE CHORUS.
Požarevac was mentioned for the first time in Turkish documents in 1476 and it became famous after the Požarevac Peace concluded in 1718 between Austria and Turkey. In the 19th century, Požarevac was another capital of Prince Miloš Obrenović for some time. He had a castle built in it for himself and his family, developed trade, liberated the town from the Turks in 1815. Miloš Obrenović, whose monument, the work of the famous sculptor Đorđe Jovanović, is situated in the city park, in front of the Municipality Building, designed by Italian architects in the Renaissance style in 1889, in 1819 had the Cathedral devoted to the Saint Archangels Mihailo and Gavrilo built there. The Castle - Inn was built in 1825 and the new town was built in 1827. In 1842, the Požarevac inhabitants get the theater, in which the premiere performance of Romeo and Juliet was held, as well. It was the first playing of a William Shakespeare's work in the Balkans. The inns were also always very important in Požarevac. It was noticed the city had even 80 inns and one medical doctor in 1911. Even today, the inns in Požarevac, the city of many festivals and events, first of all the Ljubičevo Equestrian Games, are at the guests' disposal, as well as the accommodation capacities in the Hotels The Danube and Fenix, the Hostel Požarevac, sleeping facilities Konak and  Inn, as well as in private accommodation. Hunting tourism fans are awaited by the hunting grounds Beljanica - Sokolica and Hrastovača.
Požarevac is not a city making an impression at first sight by its shining facades. But it is a city that makes one come again by its features. And in the future, as the Mayor of Požarevac, Mr. Bane Spasojević, at the same time also the President of the Organization Board of the Ljubičevo Equestrian Games 2016, told the journalists, "We attempt to let the Ljubičevo Equestrian Games and Archaeological Park Viminatium be the two bases developing tourism in Požarevac". Since the Archaeological Park Viminatium was already the host of the globally followed exhibition of the National Museum of Serbia under the title Constantine the Great and the Milan Edict, and the Ljubičevo Stud Farm started in 2016 returning to the best European days from its beginning, Požarevac finds itself the relevant place on the global tourism route.


MILENA PAVLOVIĆ BARILLI GALLERY - The Gallery of the worldwide famous artist, representative of the surrealistic romanticism is situated in her native house

NATIONAL MUSEUM - After the Belgrade Museum, this is the oldest one in Serbia, established in 1896

CULTURAL HISTORY MUSEUM  - A typical house of a rich traders' family from late 19th century and PETAR DOBRNJAC HOUSE - with the exhibited items belonging to the time of the First and Second Serbian Uprising

THE OLD COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING - Built in 1889, designed by the Austrian architect Friedrich Gisel, with its parlors has got the status of a cultural monument of great importance

TULBA ETHNIC PARK  - Authentic facilities show the building branch of the second half of the 19th century in this part of Serbia

POŽAREVAC PEACE EMPEROR'S TENT - It is the authentic review of the historical event famous as Požarevac Peace, in 1718

LJUBIČEVO STUD FARM - One of the oldest stud farms in Serbia  (1853)

VIMINATIUM - Archeological locality, a Roman Military Camp established in the 1st century as the capital of former Roman Province  - Upper Moesia.

Special attraction is a mammoth skeleton more than 5,000,000 years old, one of the oldest ones in the world




Ljubičevo Stud Farm, 3km far from Požarevac, is one of the oldest ones in Serbia. It was founded by Miloš Obrenović, in 1853 and left as his legacy to Serbian people by Mihailo Obrenović.

He named it Ljubičevo, as a memory to his mother, Princess Ljubica. Early 20th century, the Stud Farm grew into a horse breeding institution at the European level and had 500 fine breed horses.

Since 1964, every first September weekend, the tourism/sport event LJUBIČEVO EQUESTRIAN GAMES has been held, including the festive participants' parade, Ljubičevo All-Round Competition, gallop and trotting races, hurdles and long track horse riding, as well as pronouncement of the Ljubičevo Knight of Honor, with the hand over of the saber and mantle.

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Tourism Organization of City of Požarevac

+ 381 12 221941