The accommodation capacities of Zaječar are not large,
but they are at a very high quality level.



Zaječar Tourist Organization

+ 381 19 421 521

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Tourist Destinations

The Zaječar municipality is located in the Timok Border Area and it is it geographic, administrative and cultural center. It is also on the crossroads of the main roads being still the shortest European road connection to the Northern Bulgaria, Southern Romania and further to the Black Sea basin. It is surrounded by the slopes of Deli Jovan Mountain, the Old Mountain, Ježevica and Veliki Krš. Although the Roman legions passed through this region and the Emperor Galerius himself had his famous Felix Romuliana Palace constructed quite near there, Zaječar was mentioned in the records for the first time only in 1466, when an ordinary Turkish clerk wrote that eight families paid the tax to the state.
Zaječar itself is a nice town, in which Radul Bey Porch, the National Museum, the professional theater founded in 1946, the gallery and the flour mill constructed already at the Turkish time, dominate there.
Since a short time, on the river Timok, flowing through the center of the town, there is a modern sports-recreational center called The Priest's Beach, one of the most beautiful ones in Serbia.

Zaječar is a fairly small town with huge tourist potentials around - archaeological localities, historical monuments, monasteries, spas and caves. The greatest attraction, the archaeological locality Felix Romuliana, was included into the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List, in 2007. At 11 km away from Zaječar, there is Gamzigradska Spa, one of the most important health care-tourist centers of Serbia. The lakes Rgotsko, Grliško and Slovinac, the Monasteries of St. Apostles Peter and Paul and Suvodol, the first hydro power station in the Timok Border Area, operating since 1909 and having the museum status, attract tourists from Serbia and the world.
  Tourist atractions
Zaječar is also the town of the largest local rock festival - The Guitar Games, held in it since 1966 and visited by young people from all parts of the Southeast Europe