39th International Tourism Fair IFT 2017 (February 23 – 26, 2017, Belgrade), held under the slogan "Enjoy in Time", will remain remembered for many records. It was visited by about 75,000 people, which is „The new record“, as declared by the organizer. In six exhibiting halls, there were more than 1,200 exhibitors from 56 worldwide countries, featuring the tourism offer, culture, habits, wines and gastronomic specialties. There were the countries from all continents there, cities, regions, Tourism Organizations, hotels, mountain and spa resorts, various destinations and attractions, airlines, travel agencies and tour operators.
Opening the Fair, Mr.Aleksandar Vučić, Prime Minister of Serbia, pointed out the importance of tourism for the economics and Serbian economy and presented the strategy that defined for the first time 18 destinations in Serbia with the potentials that should be used in the full capacity. Mr. Rasim Ljajić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia, pointed out „Serbia had 13% more tourists last year and special importance is given now to tourism as an economic branch“.
Tourism industry of Serbia adapted successfully its potentials and price policy to the tourist needs, looking for and offering new destinations, products, features, as well as new technologies and standards in the tourism facility fitting. As declared by Ms. Marija Labović, NTOS CEO, "The visitors ask very much for our promotional items, which shows we made them interested in spending a part of their holiday or the whole holiday in Serbia“.
During the Tourism Fair, several Cooperation Agreements were signed, a considerable number of business agreements and deals were concluded, anniversaries were celebrated, many promotions were held.
Along with the Tourism Fair IFT 2017, the International Fair of Hotel and Restaurant Equipment HORECA, Wine Fair BEOWINE and the Souvenir Exhibition were organized, as well.
ISTN provides complete report of the Tourism Fair IFT 2017 in the chapter Events. |


Supported by the results showing that Serbia entered 2017 with 13% higher number of tourists, registered foreign currency income and the new strategy of tourism development 2016 – 2025, the National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) completed the month of February, being in the tourism sign in Serbia, by its attendance of Belgrade Tourism Fair IFT 2017 (February 23 – 26, 2017), where it promoted the entire tourism offer of Serbia with the focus on the Danube, culture, City Breaks, active outdoor holiday, camping and caravaning, rural tourism, events and gastronomy. NTOS turned the extremely successful brochure ’52 Weekends in Serbia’ into the film under the same title, through all the four seasons, with the message ’Serbia – All I Love’. As declared by Ms. Marija Labović, NTOS CEO, “ The film carries the message „Welcome to Serbia, the country that offers exciting nature, the never sleeping cities, the calm and silence of pleasant villages, plentiful cultural heritage, the entertainment to remember, diverse gastronomy and hospitable hosts“.
The global Tourism Fairs attendance by the National Tourism Organization of Serbia has been enhanced by state-of-the-art technologies in the form of the mobile application „Audio Guide through Serbia“, intended for the transit tourists, planned to simulate a tourist guide at 150 selected points (the application is available for Android and iOS devices at Play and App Store) and the VR application “Virtual Adventure Serbia“, created as the virtual reality platform promoting diverse aspects of the tourism offer of Serbia, contains also photographs and descriptions of 1,200 localities, as well as the map locations and contacts that might be useful during the travel. Ms. Vesna Raca Radisavljević, Assistant NTOS CEO, points out “The mobile application Audio Guide through Serbia, launched three weeks ago, had already more than 1,700 downloads”.
The Catalogue of the Rural Tourism Households and the redesigned Tourism Map of Serbia were also featured at the Belgrade Tourism Fair as premiere. The brochure ‘52 Tastes of Serbia’ informs of the gastronomic offer of Serbia and gastronomic events through 27 regions.
NTOS featured the Serbian tourism offer also in St. Petersburg (March 3, 2017), at the Tourism Show ITB in Berlin (March 8 -12, 2017), as well as at the MITT tradeshow in Moscow (March 14 -16, 2017).

During the 39th International Tourism Fair IFT 2017 in Belgrade, the 2nd Tourism Forum of the Tourism Associations of the Chambers of Commerce of Serbia and Montenegro was held, featuring the project Mutual Tourism Product of Serbia and Montenegro, intended for the third markets, first of all those of China, Japan, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and others. As declared by Ms. Renata Pindžo, Assistant Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Serbia, “This product includes various programs based upon specific natural and cultural heritage of both countries – from the sea, mountain and spa tourism, through the adventure events, to the gastronomy and the traditional meals enjoying“. The unique tourism offer under the title WILD SOUL OF EUROPE was created by the Chambers of Commerce of Serbia and Montenegro and the project includes also four travel agencies – Panacomp Wonderland from Novi Sad, Wild Serbia from Valjevo, Adria D.M.V. and Explorer from Budva. |
The Project includes seven different tours, which will be offered, lasting from 6 to 13 days. The offer includes cycling and trekking tours, rafting, canyoning, mountaineering, visit to the caves, safari jeep, tasting of the national specialties and wines. The Project was supported also by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) with the objective of advancement of competitiveness and business of the small and medium sized enterprises in the tourism sector through the mutual tourism product promotion. Ms. Marija Labović, CEO of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia and Ms. Željka Radak Kukavičić, CEO of the National Tourism Organization of Montenegro pointed out „The mutual tourism product, created from the best offers of the two countries, may be attractive for many tourists and it is the future of further tourism development as an economic branch“.
At the 2nd Tourism Forum, Ms. Milica Čubrilo Filipović, Secretary of the Tourism Association of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, announced also the creation of the mutual offer also with other regional Chambers of Commerce, pointing out Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia also expressed their readiness to join this Project.
ISTN provides attached the Project WILD SOUL OF EUROPE. |

Contribution to the creation of the mutual tourism product of Serbia and Montenegro, enabling this region to accomplish higher and faster growth rates than the others in Europe, all in order to increase the total tourism turnover, is provided also by Public Company Ski Resorts of Serbia, which connected by network its capacities with Montenegro. At the recently closed Tourism Fair IFT 2017, Mr. Dejan Ćika, CEO of the Ski Resorts of Serbia and Ms. Olivera Brajović, General Manager for Tourism Development and Standards in the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro, signed the Business Cooperation Contract, which enabled the owners of the seasonal ski passes bought for the Montenegrin ski resorts Savin Kuk, Kolašin 1450 and Vučje are entitled to three days of free skiing in one of the Serbian ski resorts, Kopaonik, Stara Planina and Tornik on Zlatibor, and vice versa. The Contract is related both to the current winter season and the season 2017/2018. During the Contract signing, Mr. Dejan Ćika pointed out „This Contract provides the opportunity to the skiers from Serbia and Montenegro to feel the difference, to see the way the competition operates and to let both sides be even more successful“.
As regarding the best visited ski resort of Serbia – Kopaonik, in accordance with the winter campaign of the Public Company Ski Resorts of Serbia under the title „The High View“, all installations intended for the skiers, boarders and recreation fans are in the perfect condition and fully operating. Its contribution to the total offer is provided also by MK Mountain Resort (the Hotels Grand and Anđela, as well as by the apartment settlement Konaci), which organized this year, for the second time, the event Music Week (March 10 – 18, 2017), and prepared also the promotional March Packages (March 9 – 22 and March 26 – 30, 2017), as well as the Winter Fest (March 23 – 26, 2017). |
Within the fourth this year's TOP SKI WEEKEND, organized by the Ski Resorts of Serbia, counting the number of skiers and sold ski passes increased for 30% and the income increased for 40%, the skiers and boarders, who decide to spend the extended weekend on the snow, are expected by 20% discount to three and four days ski passes. |
30. march – 2. april |
ISTN provides the price list of the Ski Resorts of Serbia for the winter season 2016/2017. |
After the National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) had presented Serbia as the Partner Country at the last year's Tourism Show in Moscow, Russian Federation attended this year, for the first time, the Belgrade Tourism Fair. „Moscow is a pretty woman and Belgrade is a handsome man“, stated His Excellency Mr. Aleksander Chepurin, Ambassador of Russian Federation to Serbia, starting this country presentation at the recently closed Tourism Fair IFT 2017 (February 23 – 26, 2017). He pointed out „The tourists from Russia and increasingly interested in the spa tourism and a visit to Serbian Monasteries. Serbia attracts Russian tourists also becaues of the Orthodox religion and tradition, great interest is caused also by the 3D projection of Tesla Laboratories, which may be seen in the Nikola Tesla Museum and a reason for the increased tourism visit is also the economic growth in both countries. SPA resorts, ethnic destinations and safety are the main trends that will mark the next summer season“. |
At Belgrade Tourism Fair, Russian Federation featured its tourism potentials under the slogan WELCOME TO RUSSIA - Kaluga, Vladimirskaya, Vologodskaya, Moscow and Yaroslavskaya Regions, the Republic of Komi and seven magic castles, otherwise not included in the tourist guides. Ms. Olga Yarilova, Director of Tourism and Regional Policy Department of the Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation, paid special attention to the interregional cooperation and the cities fraternizing, considering it contributed to the tourism development and exchange. She featured the environment, ethnographic, Arctic, cultural/educational, pilgrim and children tourism, events, the routes, such as The Silver Necklace of Russia, Russia – the Cradle of Space Travels, The Golden Ring and others.
Since the tourism staff experience shows each Russian tourist spends at least 1,000 Euros during the travel, we would remind the first travel guide about Serbia in Russian language Polyglot was printed in September 2016. This travel guide with the highest territory covering is sold in the Russian speaking countries – Russia, Byelorussia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The first guide edition for Serbia was printed in 10,000 copies.
The Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation – Tourism department
+ 7 495 629 10 10
www.government.ru |

Within the International Tourism Exchange in Berlin – ITB 2017, attended by more than 180 countries and more than 10,000 participants, Serbia also presented its offer. Within this tradeshow, the Forum of the World Tourism Cities Federation was held. Belgrade has been a member of it since 2015, as well. The Forum was involved this year primarily in the theme of global trends and tourism impact to the world economy. Owing to the cooperation with the World Tourism Cities Federation cities from China, Belgrade attended it for the first time as destination for Chinese market and the opening of new markets, such as India and Poland, was also agreed upon. Mr. Miodrag Popović, CEO of Belgrade Tourism Organization, which featured at the Belgrade Tourism Fair IFT 2017 by a comprehensive tourism offer of the city, reminded “The visa system for the citizens of China was cancelled and in this year, 2017, the introduction of direct flight Belgrade – Beijing is expected, which will make Belgrade the central destination for the circular tours in the Balkans”. According to the statistics, the number of Chinese tourists in the Serbian capital in 2016 was higher for 42% compared with the previous year. The increased arrival of Chinese tourists to this region was influenced, among others, also by the specially created program for this market, exhibited at one of the most important Tourism Fairs in Asia - China International Travel Mart (CITM) in Shanghai (November 11 – 13, 2016).

Through the cooperation of the tourism industry representatives of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, a special program was created under the title Valter Ways, inspired by the film Valter Defends Sarajevo, which attracted great attention of the Chinese and the main character is still a very popular person in China.

Belgrade Tourism Organization
+381 11 3625060


Nautical tourism was one of the sections of the 39th International Fair of Sailing, Hunting and Fishing, held under the slogan ‘Sail Out, Throw In, Hunt’ at Belgrade Fair (March 9 to 12, 2017). This event, where about sixty local and international manufacturers exhibited ships, ship and outboard engines, hunting weapons, camping equipment, sailing and hunting garments and water sport equipment, charters and nautical tourism, was followed by many lectures and presentations.
The Associations “The Danube Propeller” and Pro OUTDOOR Team, as well as the International Association IWI (Inland Waterways International), represented by Mr. David Edwards May from the United Kingdom with the lecture „Mission, Vision and Goals of Inland Waterways“, organized the scientific conference within the nautics under the title VODEN 2017, to honor the ancient Slavic God, protector of the sea, lakes and rivers – Voden. The 10th Anniversary of the establishing of the Nautic Association The Danube Propeller, managed by Mr. Krsta Pašković, was celebrated and there were also many lectures, such as “The Basis of the Nautical Tourism and the Nautical Potentials of Serbia”, “The Recreation and Navigable Tourism, The Regatta under Stars”, “Belgrade Tourism Attraction, Slavjan Ship”, “Nautical Tourism in Hungary” and others. Special position was taken by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Nautical Tourism Group – NATUS, which launched the theme “Nautical Economy of Serbia – Problems and Development”.

At the same time as the Fairs of Tourism, Hotel & Restaurant Equipment and Souvenirs, BEOWINE – International Wine Fair has been held for eight years, organized by Belgrade Fair and Co-Organized by VIVIS Association and business entity Serbian Wine, where wine tourism is promoted, as well. This year’s event (February 23 –26, 2017) was attended by renowned local and regional wine manufacturers, cellars, wineries and distributing companies.
The Fair was followed also by professional lectures, presentations, interactive promotions and free workshops for all participants and visitors. Wine manufacturing experts discussed the perspectives and development of the autochthonous grape sorts in Serbia and wine manufacturing and various styles and general purpose wines were presented to the visitors.
At this year’s 8th BEOWINE Fair, BeoWine Challenge Cup was held (February 24, 2017). The winners won awards in the categories WHITE, ROSÉ, RED and SPARKLING wines, and among them is also PIANO Winery from Jagodina, the Gold Medal winner for the wine Piano – Merlot, grape picking 2013. As declared by Mr. Svetoljub Lović, one of the owners of the PIANO Winery, “Jagodina becomes a very important place on the Serbian wine map. A ood vineyard and good wines, planned market attendance and sales strategy, tradition, vision and plan what should be accomplished with the wines, put us at an important venue on the Serbian wine routes”.
ISTN provides attached the estimated wine list at the fair event BEOWINE 2017. |
Belgrade International
Wine Fair
+ 381 11 2655377

The year 2017 passes in Special Hospital Merkur from Vrnjačka Spa marked by the celebration of 70 years of successful business, the promotion of intensive development and the accomplished results, making this treatment and rest resort at present the most contemporary one in Serbia. On this occasion, under the slogan Citizen Care for 70 Years, this Anniversary was celebrated during the Belgrade Tourism Fair IFT 2017 (February 24, 2017).
As declared by Dr. Sci. Med. Dejan Stanojević, Merkur CEO, „Being the core of Vrnjačka Spa and its service during all 70 years of its existence, the institution transformed from the original institute and later RH center into a contemporary medical and spa resort Merkur.
The future development strategy is a combination of top quality medicine, balneotherapy and spa features and we plan also the construction of the new facility Splendor(4*). Merkur professional team showed also the use of the spa natural resource – mineral water, under advancement by modern diagnostic methods, relax and spa features, all under supervision of a highly specialized medical team, including personal approach to each local and international guest and his health condition.
During the Fair, MERKUR BICYCLE was promoted, the project supported by the relevant Ministry of Tourism, which will be launched during summer 2017, when 50 such bicycles will be at the guests’ disposal of Merkur and Vrnjačka Spa. The first one riding it through the Fair halls was Mr. Rasim Ljajić, Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications in the Government of the Republic of Serbia. |
ISTN provides attached the current Merkur programs. |

After its Tourism Fair IFT 2017 attendance, Special Hospital Kanjiža Spa, where the applying for the vouchers of the Government of Serbia to the amount of RSD.5,000 is under progress, will present its offer also at the Health Festival in Belgrade (April 5 – 6, 2017, Youth Hall), attending it with the programs of medical rehabilitation, prevention programs for Osteoporosis treatment, attractive Wellness programs, such as My Weekend, Wellness and Sport Team Building, Shopping and Spa Weekend and others, and first of all with the 20% discount offer for retired persons throughout the year. As declared by Ms. Elena Veselinov, PR of Kanjiža Spa, „Our programs provide the guests with the opportunity, in addition to the holiday and recreation, also get insight of their health condition. Our examinations include the analysis of the existing medical documents, physical functional examination, medical doctor’s report with the expertise, as well as the use of all resort’s Wellness and Spa capacities”.
ISTN provides attached the current programs of Kanjiža Spa. |

Listening to the market requirements, Junaković Spa presented at the Belgrade Tourism Fair its special action lasting till April 1, 2017, which understands getting a day free of charge on each paid 7 days and 2 days free of charge at the paid 14 days. The additional 10% discount is provided for the full advance payment 10 days before the staying beginning.
As declared by Ms. Ljiljana Krec and Mr. Dragan Ignjatov from Junaković Spa Management, “The priority is to feel the possibilities of the potential guests and for the offer. We create annually new features, executed by trained, experienced teams of physiotherapists. The offer is included in the programs with high quality and diverse service”. Junaković Spa guests have got at their disposal the use of indoor swimming pool, sauna, underwater and hand massage (relax, anti-cellulite, honey and chocolate, feet reflex massage, Scrub Marine Spa Treatment, Holistic and Ayurveda massage, Argan Therapy and lymph drainage), algae body treatment, 'Gypsum Bermuda Shorts’, the Morocco Wellness program, as well as eight lane Junaković Spa bowling unit“. Special discounts are provided for children. The applying for the vouchers of the Government of Serbia to the amount of RSD.5,000 is under progress.
ISTN provides attached the current packages and programs of Junaković Spa |

The medicine and tourism combination is under expansion all over the world. Thus, there is no wonder that this type of tourism offer took a whole pavilion at the just closed greatest global tourism show ITB Berlin (March 8 –12, 2017). Serbia attempts to keep pace. The research shows 5% of all international travels is related to a type of medical tourism and in the total turnover structure, 15% is related to the esthetic surgery. The new DIVA LASER CENTER is also developed this way, the dermatological institution with the longest tradition in the Balkans, dealing with DERMATOLOGICAL ANTIAGING PROCEDURES and LASERS. As declared by Ms. Nataša Zmbov, founder of DIVA LASER CENTER, “Under the slogan Wait for the Spring Ready, we provide 20% discount to the face and hair mesotherapy, as well as all dermatological examinations and 30% to the laser rejuvenating by 4D COMBO laser. Discounts are under progress also to many other programs providing outstanding results on our local and international patients”.
In the DIVA LASER CENTER, located in Belgrade, in 9, Prote Mateje Street, where the new methods of noninvasive lipolysis are carried out, as well as the most efficient treatments of cellulite and obesity, THE CONSULTING FOR DERMATOLOGICAL LASER IS FREE OF CHARGE.

Under the slogan „Let’s Create the Event Future in Serbia Together”, the Serbian Tourism and Events Association (TEAM of Serbia), under cooperation with the High Tourism School from Belgrade and the Tourism Organization of Zlatibor, organized the Anniversary 10th MEETING OF EVENT ORGANIZERS 2016/2017. The topics of this year’s Meeting, gathering the representatives of the relevant Ministry, Tourism Organizations of Serbian Cities and Municipalities, travel agencies, hotel and catering managers, event organizers, souvenir manufacturers and tourism experts, were: “Beginning of Event Classification and Categorizing in Serbia”, “Event Presentation at Social Networks”, “The Program Features of Children Events”, “The Expressed Social Responsibility in the Event Organization” and “Forgotten Serbia – Carnival Tradition in Serbia”.
As declared by Ms. Milanka Cvetković, President of the Serbian T&E Association, “Through the lecturers’ speech, the attendees got many useful and practical advices and through the discussions, the answers to many questions within the event tourism. The experiences were exchanged regarding the problems in the events organizing. This expert meeting grew into a well-accepted, we can feel free to say traditional event causing the increasing interest and counting the increasing number of the present and satisfied attendees”.
At the end of this year’s Meeting, the TOURISM PUZZLE 2016 awards were also granted |
1. The Most Successful Traditional Event: LIGHT ON THE HILL, Children Folklore Festival |
2. The Most Successful New Event JUST OUT – Belgrade / Despotovac |
3. Deserved Individual within the Event Tourism: DRAGAN ĐOLOVIĆ – TO Čačak
4. The Most Successful Local Self-Government – The Cornerstone of
Support to the Event Organizers: BELA CRKVA |
5. The Best Event Promotion Film at the 10th Meeting: |
The first place: VRŠAC WREATH – Vršac |
The second place: THERE IS NO WATER WITHOUT A SPRING (singing/shouting)–Rožanstvo and BELA CRKVA CARNIVAL -Bela Crkva |

The 18th International Fair of Tourism and Outdoor Holiday (March 30 - April 1, 2017, Čair Sport Hall), organized by the Niš Tourism Organization, is held in this city, one of the highlights of this part of the Balkans.
The Fair is also followed by the Conference featuring the programs within mountain running, mountaineering, speleology, bird watching, example as of successfully executed projects, as well as the local projects. As declared by the Organizer, “We organize at the Fair one-day Adventure Conference, promotion and tasting of meals and drinks within the program Gastronomy and Wine, we present the cultural heritage and prepare special programs held in the Conference Hall”. |
The previous Fair of Tourism and Outdoor Holiday, held in April 2016, brought together the exhibitors from Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Greece, Tourism Organizations of Cities and Municipalities, tour operators and travel agencies, hotel managers, spa and medical tourism representatives, those of sport/recreation tourism and outdoor holiday, adrenaline sport clubs, ethnic households, Associations of independent souvenir exhibitors, as well as event organizers.
The Days of the Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA), celebrating this year the 25th Anniversary, are held from March 23 to 25, 2017 in the Ilirija Resort, in Biograd na Moru. As declared by the Organizer, “These days bring together tourism professionals, experts, representatives of Governmental institutions, Trade and Business Associations in Tourism, media and other participants in the chain of tourism demand and supply from the country and abroad, who exchange their experiences and opinions of the current matters, challenges and occasions related to the development and future of tourism. The event is followed also by interesting trade lectures, as well as B2B meetings”.
Slovenian Incoming Workshop, organized by the Slovenian Tourist Board, is held from May 11 to 13, 2017, in Ljubljana. The Organizers point out: “This is a perfect opportunity through B2B meetings to get to know Slovenian tour operators, opportunities and destinations, We are welcoming everyone in the green, active and healthy Slovenia, in which the feeling of love connects the Alps with the Mediterranean Sea, and the Pannonian Regions with the mysterious Karst”. For getting to know Slovenia, the organizers also prepare thematic study tours: WHAT HAS TO BE SEEN, THE ACTIVE, GREEN AND HEALTHY TOUR.

Feratel company, travel information system provider, with its offices in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Benelux countries, Spain, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria, organizes the 5th edition of the trade show Austrian Travel Trade & Adventure Days 2017, attended with the adventure tourism theme, by the exhibitors from the regions including the Alps, the Danube and the Adria.
As declared by the organizer, “During the two days, more than 90 exhibitors from Austria, Italy, Croatia, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Slovenia, Portugal, Ireland and other countries will present their offers.”
The event takes place on April 21 – 23, 2017 in the mountain-ski-spa center Bad Hofgastein. |
