
The Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) opened the competition for the Tourist Flower Award its greatest prize for the period July 2016 – July 2017. The Award is given for the important accomplishments in the quality rising of tourist services, as well as contribution to the tourism development, improvement and promotion in the following categories:
1. |
Tourism Organization |
2. |
Tourism Event |
3. |
Incoming Travel Agency |
4. |
Accommodation Facility (with two sub-categories: the hospitality facility type HOTEL
and other accommodation hospitality facilities) |
5. |
Organization or Individual for Contribution to the Tourism Improvement |
The candidacy procedure and the Award criteria are subject to the Rules of Providing the Tourist Flower Award. The informations are on the web site www.serbia.travel .
Suggestions may arrive later then August 18, 2017. |
Supporting this award of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, ISTN invites both tourism industry staff and those travelling as tourists through Serbia to suggest those who deserve in their opinion the TOURIST FLOWER. Only this way, the quality will be really recognized, the award will be granted to the right winner and Serbian tourism will take the place that belongs to it.

On the International Danube Day (June 29, 2017), the International Conference ‘Sustainable Tourism Development in the Danube Region – New Perspectives’ , was held in Belgrade, organized by Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of Serbia, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Danube Competence Center (DCC). In addition to the representatives of Serbia, it was attended also by the guests from Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova, Austria and other countries.
Opening the Conference with the objective of laying the policy and strategic groundwork for the development of joint sustainable tourism products and marketing platforms in the Danube Region, Mr. Rasim Ljajić, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Serbia and the Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of Serbia, points out for Serbia “The Danube is one of the three top priority destinations with the highest possible potential, not only within tourism, but also the economic development of all districts, regions and cities, through which the Danube flows. More than 40 localities at the entire Danube course are under UNESCO protection and more than 30 National Parks, which makes the Danube ‘The European Amazon’.
All Conference attendees, led by Mr.Taleb Rifai, UNWTO Secretary-General, highlighted the need “To work hard on the infrastructure advancement, in order to let the Danube become the cooperation symbol among the regional countries. The Danube is a huge potential that should be used by Serbia”.
ISTN provides the complete overview of the Conference in the EVENTS chapter |



By its presentation in Belgrade (July 7, 2017) the National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) completed the promotional campaign My Serbia, intended for the local market, in order to present tourism offer in the summer period.
Created with the objective of motivating the citizens to spend a part of their summer holiday in Serbia, with the good last year’s results showing the increased number of the local tourists for about 20%, this year’s campaign called YOUR PERFECT HOLIDAY IS NEARBY is performed under cooperation with the local tourism organizations, Serbian Spas Association, Hotel and Restaurant Manager Association (HORES), the Public Company Ski Resorts of Serbia and the National Association of Travel Agencies of Serbia (YUTA).
At the squares in Niš (June 16), Čačak (June 23), Novi Sad (June 30) and Belgrade (July 7, 2017), through animation, music, branded vehicles and promotional materials, the knowledge prize quiz for visitors How much do you know Serbia with the relevant awards and tasting of the characteristic local specialties, Serbian tourism destinations are featured, in order to unite the regional offer according to the program 52 WEEKENDS IN SERBIA. As declared by Ms. Marija Labović, CEO of the NTOS, „We moved Serbia, animated the citizens and showed them what other parts of the country have got in the tourism sense“.
As regarding further Serbian tourism offer promotion, it will be featured in the forthcoming period also through the events Guča (August 9–13, 2017), Nišville International Jazz festival (August 10 – 13, 2017), Belgrade Beer Fest (August 16 – 20, 2017), Nušić Show (August 25 – 27, 2017) and Barbecue Show (August 28 –September 3, 2017). |

The summer season on Serbian mountains - Kopaonik, Zlatibor and Stara Planina is fully under progress. Organized by Public Company Ski Resorts of Serbia, the tourists have got at their disposal all summer features from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 a. m. to 3.00 p. m. and on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 9.00 a. m. to 4.00 p. m. As declared by Mr. Dejan Ćika, CEO of the Public Company Ski Resorts of Serbia, „Kopaonik fully operates this summer. It got all summer features like the most developed mountain resorts in the world. And we operate daily, for the first time this summer”. Kopaonik guests enjoy mountain biking, paragliding, safari tours, quad driving on the off rode lanes, chairlift panoramic sightseeing, archery, trekking tours, horse riding school and the amusement park activities - bobsleigh on the rails, zip line and tubing and the offer includes also sport / educational camps for children, developing healthy habits and the love for nature. MK Group Hotels – Grand, Angella and Konaci Apartments, under the title Kopaonik – New Summer Experience had the season opening with full capacities and promotional offer of travel packages, which understand outdoor activities, rest and entertainment for the whole family.
For all those liking mountain biking, adrenaline and adventure features on Kopaonik, Zlatibor (Tornik) and Stara Planina, Ski Resorts of Serbia organize during summer also PROMOTIONAL PACKAGES – SUMMER 2017 (July 21 – 23, August 4 – 6 and 25 – 27), which understand 15% discount to specific amusement features.


As shown by research, even up to 10,000 passenger cars pass through some travel destinations in South–West Serbia daily. This was the reason for the Program Private Sector Development in South–West Serbia (PSD), financed by Swiss Government, to establish partnership with the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) and the Public Company Serbian Roads and launch the mutual project for the travel sign installation as the tool of the sales increase in the transit tourism. To enhance the coordination between all parties in the chain of tourism demand and supply, everything in order to provide better sales in the market, a list of travel attractions and localities of the South–West Serbia. After their mapping, 70 travel attractions, destinations and facilities of tourism importance, including, for the first time, also 20 traditional product manufacturers were provided with the adequate travel signs. The promotion of these, but also other travel attractions of Serbia begins already at the border crossings, where welcoming billboards were installed and free Wi-Fi connection was enabled, through which the tourists may download the free Android/IOS mobile application – Audio Guide through Serbia.
The transit tourism offer was enhanced also for 20 TASTING CENTERS of traditional manufacturing, which prepared the space to receive individual tourists and tourist groups, under PSD support. They were enabled to look at the production process, taste the traditional products, such as ham, brandy and jam, buy them and thereby impact the sales and income growth of the traditional manufacturers. The most important success index of this initiative is the number of additional transit tourists who visited the marked localities. In PSD they point out, “Already in 2016, the travelers’ sales at the marked localities was increased for 20% only owing to the signs, while the sales of the traditional manufacturers increased at the average of 15%”. |
All information about the TASTING CENTERS of South–West Serbia are on PSD Website - http://www.tradicionalniproizvodi.com |
ISTN presents attached some of the TASTING CENTERS. |


Tourism Organization of Western Serbia Region, under cooperation with the Tourism Organizations of Zlatibor, Užice, Bajina Bašta, Zlatar, Prijepolje, Sjenica, Ivanjica, Arilje, Požega and Kosjerić, launched the promotional campaign at social networks called My Western Serbia, with the idea of motivating the users to share photos and videos with the hashtag #MojaZapadnaSrbija at Instagram and Facebook.in which they show in the first person the experiences in this part of the country. As declared by the conceptual creators of the campaign, ”In order to participate in the campaign you have to make the following three steps – visit any part of the Western Serbia, make a photo or video about yourself at that area and share it at Instagram of Facebook with the hashtag #MojaZapadnaSrbija. You may create photos where one can see you biting the complete flat bread, touch a stalactite in a cave, row on the lake, drink water from your hand from a clean mountain spring, descend a rock, have fun with your family or friends, ride a bicycle or a horse and enjoy many other top experiences in the Western Serbia”.
The campaign organizers planned the most beautiful photos and videos should be selected weekly, which will bring the authors free accommodation in Western Serbia. Beside the weekly awards, in the next six months also monthly awards have been prepared, which enable the accommodation in the prestigious hotels of the Western Serbia. At the end of the campaign, the most beautiful photos will be selected and included in the promotional leaflets of Tourism Organizations.
The cultural / tourism event SUMMER IN THE GALLERY GARDEN, organized in Novi Sad since 2012 by the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection and Matica Srpska Gallery, continues this year, as well. As declared by Ms. Jasna Jovanov PhD, CEO of the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection, “The idea is to offer to the fellow – citizens and guests of Novi Sad, the European Capital of Culture 2021, an interesting and diverse program during summer evenings, created to become the recognizable cultural / tourism offer of the city. This event has got the objective to show a dynamic and responsible museum relation to the audience and immediate environment. We complete it also by new features, promoting cultures of different countries in an unconventional way. The audience is expected by attractive themes with the intention to show the importance of the global cultural heritage and its preserving regarding the historical and culturological circumstances”.
The event SUMMER IN THE GALLERY GARDEN is held every Thursday during July and August, from 09.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m., with travel stories, music, dance and friendly relations. For all Novi Sad inhabitants and guests the entry is free.
ISTN provides attached the event SUMMER IN THE GALLERY GARDEN program |

The Cluster of Culture Routes, including in its network more than 40 culture institutions, Tourism Organizations and travel agencies, businessmen and Faculties, celebrates, under cooperation with the National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS), also this year by the one month event TESLA DAYS 2017 both the birthday of the great Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla (July 10, 1856) and 125 years since Tesla’s arrival to Serbia (June 2, 1892). As declared by Ms.Manuela Graf, General Manager of the Cluster of Culture Routes, “Tesla’s Birthday is celebrated during the whole July 2017, all over Serbia, by many interesting exhibitions, experiments, lectures, unusual tours and visits, as well as various other events inspired by Nikola Tesla and his life. Just on this date, 126 years ago, he carried out in his laboratory the experiment with high voltage transformer of 12 million volts”.
The TESLA DAYS event is a part of the tour The Paths of Tesla through Serbia, including Nikola Tesla Museum itself, Belgrade, from the point of view of Nikola Tesla (everything Tesla saw and visited when he visited Belgrade, in June 2, 1892), Negotin as the hometown of Đorđe Stanojević, ten small old hydropower plants in Serbia, created mostly owing to the friendship and cooperation between Tesla and Stanojevic, the Museum of Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj in Sremska Kamenica, Tesla's favorite poet, Šišatovac Monastery, where Tesla grew to love pigeons, as well as the Heritage Complex of Mihajlo Pupin in Idvor.

The event TESLA DAYS 2017 program, lasting during the whole month of July, is on the Website Tesla Ways (www.teslaways.rs). |

The fact stated by Mr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the United Nationas World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), at the Conference ‘Sustainable Tourism Development in the Danube Region – New Perspectives’ (Belgrade, June 29, 2017), that „Each eleventh employee in the world is employed in the tourism branch“, shows how fast growing and development inducing power tourism is. This fact has been recognized also in Serbia, visited in the first half of this year by 10% more tourists than in the same period last year. Pace with such growth has to be kept by everyone in the chain of tourism demand and supply, they have to have skills within sustainable tourism and be adequately educated in the business rules and behavior to the clients. And to be able also to study in addition to work, DOBA Faculty enabled it organizing online studies.
As declared by the DOBA Faculty Management “We are the leading performer of the complete online studies, the only 100% online faculty in Serbia and the only Faculty with international accrediting of online studies UNIQUE in the Southeast Europe. We were the first one to start the online studies and at present we have got the highest quality, the most contemporary and the biggest online studies constantly advanced and updated by us. Our students are extremely satisfied and 3,596 graduates prove how much we are successful in this branch. Our accredited online study program within tourism in Serbian language - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM is conceived to process contemporary, practical, internationally oriented features. The students are taught during the studies by the expert from the practice, they are followed by excellent online mentors, preparing them for the work in tourism, in order to provide as good results as possible and be most respected”.
Since there is great interest in this way of studying, in order to meet the requests of all interested parties and its capacities allow this, DOBA Faculty prolonged the applying deadline for the online studies until September 30, 2017.
ISTN provides attached the Conditions for the Program Admission BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM, as well as the Information of the Program itself.

Belgrade tourism offer has been completed by the event DOMINO ART WEEK organized by Studio DOMINO located in the center of the tourism section of the city, in the pedestrian zone, in Kralja Petra Street. As declared by Ms. Dragana Stojanović, the Studio DOMINO owner, “We began organizing for Belgrade inhabitants and guests the artists’ exhibitions with the local wines promotion. The first guest was the artist Steva Mandić with his drawings and we promoted the wines with the note of Piano Winery from Jagodina. In the gallery space, in addition to furniture and home appliances of the local and international designers, we also exhibit many gifts, drawings, paintings of famous creators and artistic manufactured souvenirs. Studio DOMINO expanded its operation last summer and within the coffee shop opened also the summer garden, a refreshment and break point in the center of the old Belgrade, with Jazz & Bossa Music, taste of homemade sweets, 100% Arabica, fresh squeezed juices and sort wines”.
Studio DOMINO enhanced the city’s tourism offer also by great selection of the artistic designed souvenirs intended for the tourists wishingto take such memory from Belgrade. |

Special Hospital Kanjiža Spa with its DETOX package, including the swimming pool, sauna, general relaxation massage, squeezed fruits and vitamin salad, AI CHI program, which understands the spirit and body harmonizing at the swimming pools and the SALT SAUNA, in which bricks are used from salt rocks from the Himalaya, combined with wood, provides its guests with the opportunity, in addition to the rest and recreation, to get insight into their medical condition. Kanjiža Spa, having the curing mud and thermal mineral water with the temperature of 51 to 72°C, offers, in addition to the medical complex, consisting of the hotels Abela and Aquamarin, also the accommodation in the Aquapanon Hotel (4*), having also spa center, outdoor and indoor swimming pool with salt water, Jacuzzi and a sauna. In order to make the staying in Kanjiža Spa as attractive as possible, the guests are suggested to spend a part of their time outdoors, either cruising on the Tisa river or at the organized lunch near it.
Special Hospital Kanjiža Spa also organizes for its guests, under cooperation with the DMO Kanjiža, the excursions “Meeting Kanjiža“, „Shopping Tour to Szeged“ and „Visit to the Consumer Goods Market in Subotica”.
ISTN provides attached current programs of Kanjiža Spa. |

In Junaković Spa, which started its full tourism season on July 1, 2017, opening the Olympic swimming pool, beside the already open outdoor swimming pools with thermal water, they offer their guests also diverse Wellness & Spa programs, curing water, sauna, practices in the swimming pool, Wellness treatments and various massages.
Junaković Spa guests enjoy swimming pools with toboggans, diving board and other related features, beach volley and tennis courts, table tennis, children’s playground and the eight lane bowling unit.
For those who would like it, fishing on Toza’s Marsh is organized, as well as the walk on the Health Path through the Junaković Forest (3rd class nature monument). The Spa was constructed at its edge. Junaković Spa is connected by biking tracks with the nearby Apatin (3.5 km) and Prigrevica (4.5 km). Apatin and Sombor sightseeing visits are planned, as well.
An attractive Junaković Spa offer section are various types of Weekends for Two Persons (and families with children), Packages for Two and Family Packages, the Day and Mini Packages and the offer for Trade Unions and retired persons, with payment in installments, is present, as well.
ISTN provides attached the current packages and programs of Junaković Spa |

Serbian medical tourism has been completed also by DIVA LASER CENTER, a dermatological institution performing DERMATOLOGICAL ANTIAGING PROCEDURES and LASERS and executing many programs under the slogan Wait for Summer Ready, with the discounts reaching even 30% in this summer period.
As declared by Ms. Nataša Zmbov, founder of DIVA LASER CENTER, “We have ten dermatological and surgical lasers and radio waves and, combining them, we accomplish outstanding and permanent results.
Following the global trends and market requirements, we included in our offer also EXTREME LIFT, the cream intended for ripe skin care, which enhances its softness, makes it elastic and strengthens face contours”.
In the DIVA LASER CENTER, located in Belgrade, in 9, Prote Mateje Street, where the new methods of noninvasive lipolysis are carried out, as well as the most efficient treatments of cellulite and obesity, THE CONSULTING FOR DERMATOLOGICAL LASER IS FREE OF CHARGE. |

Following the data of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), by which “Every day, more than three million tourists cross international borders. Every year, almost 1.2 billion people travel abroad”, the global travel guide LONELY PLANET suggests annually under the title Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel what should be visited anyway.
The best visited ones are still USA and Spain, closely followed by China, France, Germany, but increasingly also South America, LONELY PLANET put to the first place at the list of Lonely Planet’s Top 10 Regions 2017 PERU and the region Choquequirao, the last Inca bastion beside Machu Picchu. The Lonely Planet’s suggestion matches the already shown interest of tourists, since among the South American countries – Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and Chile, included united into a travel tour in the increasing number of the global tour operator offers, Peru started being the most highlighted one.
This country, the witness of the mystic Inca Empire in the Sacred Valley and on Machu Picchu, in which rises the largest, longest and most mysterious river Amazon, in which the Andes touch the sky and the Pacific Ocean pounds immense beaches, with the capital Lima where it never rains and it is overfull of greenery, which is considered to have one of the best cuisines in the whole world, was visited by the Internet Serbia Travel News team.