The promotional campaign My Serbia, a part of the campaign under the same name of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS), intended for the local market, in order to present the country's tourism offer in the summer period, has been continued this year, as well. As declared by Ms. Marija Labović, Acting CEO of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, „Good last year's results, the increased number of the local tourists, induced us to invite citizens also this year to spend their summer holiday or a part of it at destinations all over Serbia“.
Along with the NTOS, the promotional campaign My Serbia, featuring also the subvention measures of the Government of the Republic of Serbia – VOUCHERS FOR HOLIDAYS IN SERBIA, includes as participants also the local tourism organizations, Serbian Spas Association, HORES, YUTA and the Public Company Ski Resorts of Serbia. Visitors are expected at the city squares by stands branded by the logotype My Serbia, where they are informed about the holiday opportunities in Serbia, a plentiful entertainment program, tourism film projections, as well as the knowledge prize quiz ‘How Much Do You Know Serbia – 52 Weekends in Serbia’. At the local tourism organizations’ stands, the visitors taste the characteristic local specialties, in accordance with the NTOS program - 52 Tastes of Serbia.
Ms. Olgica Miljković, NTOS Local Market Manager, says „This year My Serbia campaign at the squares in four cities provides the opportunity to all Tourism Organizations of regions, cities and municipalities to feature a part of their tourism offer through the promotional leaflets distribution, tourism films presentation or direct participation in the stage program“. |
1. |
Niš |
16.06.2017 |
2. |
Čačak |
23.06.2017 |
3. |
Novi Sad |
30.06.2017 |
4. |
Beograd |
7.07.2017 |
TOURISM FORUM supports the Serbian tourism overview. It is organized by NTOS, under cooperation with this year’s host, Organization for Tourism and Culture of Sokobanja, for the eighth time on May 10 – 13, 2017. The topics which will dominate this year's Forum are: 'How to Support Tourism Development', 'The Tourism Law Implementation', 'Priorities and Challenges in Serbian Tourism Strategy Implementation', „Research of the Foreign Tourists' Attitudes and Behavior in Serbia', 'Cultural Needs and Habits of Serbian Citizens' and 'Cultural Tourism – EDEN'.


After the attendance at the tourism tradeshow in Moscow (MITT 2017, March 14 –16, 2017), featuring the entire Serbian tourism offer and, first of all, City Break, outdoor holidays, spa resorts, music festivals, natural and cultural heritage of the country, National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) featured Serbia, the first country of the Central and Eastern Europe with non-visa system for Chinese tourists, at a special Workshop (March 28, 2017) in Beijing. As declared by Ms. Marija Labović, NTOS CEO, “Our attendance caused very positive reactions and attracted more than 100 travel organizers and Chinese economy representatives“.
The Workshop attendance was followed also by Serbia promotion at the large Tourism Fair COTTM (China Outbound Travel &Tourism Market) in Beijing (March 29 – 31, 2017) 03.2017.), featuring, together with the Tourism Organization of Montenegro, the mutual project Wild Soul of Europe intended for third markets, first of all of China, Japan, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and others. This project, including various programs based upon specific natural and cultural heritage of both countries – from the sea, mountain and spa tourism, through the adventure events, to the gastronomy and the traditional meals enjoying, has got seven different tours, which will be offered, lasting from 6 to 13 days, covering also cycling and trekking tours, rafting, canyoning, mountaineering, visit to the caves, safari jeep, tasting of the national specialties and wines.
Since Serbian visa cancellation for the tourists from China, the total increase of the Chinese tourists number has been 102%, compared with the same period last year. Even higher increase of the guests number from China will certainly be contributed by the impressions of the first group of Chinese journalists who visited Serbia after the visa system cancellation. On this opportunity they visited Golubac, National Park Đerdap, Kladovo, Zaječar and locality Felix Romuliana, Niš, Monastery of Manasia, Resavska Cave, Sremski Karlovci, Novi Sad and Belgrade, where the tourist information boards have been installed in Russian and Chinese language, for the first time.

50th Anniversary of Lepenski Vir discovery, the oldest urban settlement in the world, an outstanding archaeological locality in the Đerdap Gorge on the Danube, was celebrated (on March 28, 2017) just at the locality. The Tourism Area managing company Lepenski Vir Ltd. gathered in the Visitor Center the members of the former team of Professor Dragoslav Srejović, who explored this unique culture, 9,000 years old, the representatives of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, the National Tourism Organization of Serbia and journalists.
As declared by Mr. Vladimir Nojković, CEO of the Tourism Area Lepenski Vir, ”This archaeological finding, by which the entire Danube Region culture, 9,000 years old, got its internationally official scientific name LEPENSKI VIR CULTURE, is a sight of the global importance”. Within the Anniversary celebration, the panel discussion was organized with the topic "Tourism and Cultural Heritage in the Lower Danube Region – Opportunities and Perspectives”, under participation of former members of Mr. Srejović’s team, archaeologists, architects and many experts, such as Mr. Miomir Korać PhD, Mr. Bora Dimitrijević PhD, Professor Mile Stojić, Ms.Dušica Savić Bengijat and others. Pointing out the importance of this jubilee, Ms. Renata Pindžo PhD, Assistant Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Serbia, declared „Cultural heritage of the Lower Danube Region, including also Smederevo Fortress, Viminatium, Rama Fortress, Golubac Town, Lepenski Vir and other cultural / historical monuments, is very important for tourism development. Our task is to support the sustainable local economic development just by the tourism valorization of everything given to us by the nature and cultural heritage”.
From the LEPENSKI VIR Anniversary celebration, the APPEAL was sent to the publics regarding “The Necessity of One’s Own Awareness Rising of the Global Importance of This Finding from the Period of Middle and Later Stone Age”. The INVITATION was also sent to the relevant institutions to ”Send the Relevant Proposal to the UNESCO Organization to CLASSIFY LEPENSKI VIR TO THE DESERVED RANK AT THE GLOBAL HERITAGE LIST”.


Belgrade Tourism Organization
+381 11 3625060
The Nautical – Tourism season in Belgrade started also officially (on March 26, 2017) by the ships Viking Lif and Thomas Hardy sailing into the International Passenger Harbor Belgrade with the tourists from the USA, Germany and Canada.
For the tourists who visited Belgrade and its sights, such as Kalemegdan, Muzeja 25. maj, Ada Ciganlija, Royal Complex, Topčider, Avala, Skadarlija and others, the welcoming service was prepared, as well as the cultural / artistic program and the surprise gifts. As declared by Mr. Miodrag Popović, CEO of the Tourism Organization of Belgrade (TOB), “Since 535 tourist ships sailed into the Belgrade Harbor with 66387 tourists last year, we expect to exceed this figure this year. This shows Belgrade is an increasing attractive destination at the Danube nautical map”.
The data show the most interested tourists in the Danube cruising are those from Germany, the USA, Switzerland, UK, Canada, Austria, Spain, France, Italy and Scandinavia, but also other countries. Ms.Ljiljana Alajbegović from the TOB, points out, “Through discussions with the tourists from the ships we find out they like here mostly security, hospitality, plentiful history and food. They are not satisfied by disorderly facades, graphite on the walls, the impossible visits to the National and other museums, and the impossible visits to the National and other museums and the repeated excursions during the ships leaving. In this respect, we recommend the travel agencies to expand their offer by the visits to Belgrade suburbs, to the ethnic households and wineries”.
During the Nautical – Tourism season, culminating by the Ship Carnival, within the rivers Sava and Dunube promotion, the travelers will have at their disposal at the Passenger Harbor Belgrade the seasonal information center of the Tourism Organization of Belgrade with promotional leaflets in the city and its features.
The Rural or Agritourism, which supports the adventure spirit of the tourists, is a worldwide hit. Serbian villages, the real environment oases, with clean air and healthy groceries, rose the general service level in the small and medium-sized households and boarding houses and entered the market as increasingly demanded tourism product of both local and international tourists.
Supporting this trend, the National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) prepared the RURAL TOURISM HOUSEHOLDS CATALOGUE, containing the list of more than 200 households from the whole Serbia, with the capacity of more than 900 categorized beds. The households, featured with all specific characteristics of their offer and a review of the interesting points recommended to the tourists, have been systematized regionally, through the Central and Western Serbia, Vojvodina and Eastern Serbia. Featuring the Catalogue, Ms.Ljiljana Čerović, Head of the NTOS Tourism Product Development Department says ”In this Catalogue we united all necessary information – how to reach the household, what it offers, what the additional features are, what can be visited nearby, what the natural attractions and cultural / historical sights of the region are, which events should be attended, what the typical gastronomic specialties are, what are all the ways for the guest to get acquainted with the daily rural living, what he/she may take home as a souvenir – a jar of homemade honey, a barrel of cheese or milk cream, a bottle of brandy or new wine, a jar of hot ajvar (paprika cream salad) or a handicraft”.
Since the rural holiday is increasingly demanded and there are more and more tourists visiting the village, although the number of rural households included in the supporting program of the Government of Serbia with voucher, is, unfortunately, still very low, this extremely informative Catalogue may be received in all NTOS Information Centers or downloaded in the electronic form from this Organization’s website. It plans also to prepare it in English language.

Organizing the friendly ski competition 3S – Slalom of the Ski Resorts of Serbia (March 27, 2017) on Kopaonik, the Ski Resorts of Serbia thanked all partners and participants in the tourism offer for the mutual efforts, contributing to the Winter Season 2016/2017 on Serbian mountains to be the most successful one so far. They say from the Ski Resorts of Serbia, „High quality and professional preparation of ski resorts from the very beginning resulted in excellent business results. So far, on KOPAONIK the 25% higher turnover than in the previous season was accomplished, the sold ski passes number was increased for 15% and the skiers number more than 20%. As regarding STARA PLANINA, the sold ski passes number was 30% higher than in the previous season and the skiers number was increased for 25%. The ski season 2016/17 on Stara Planina will be recorded as one of the most successful winter seasons so far. The season on TORNIK on ZLATIBOR, opened on December 19, 2016, which is the earliest opening since the establishing of the Ski Resorts of Serbia, was so successful that 2.5 times more ski passes were sold than in the previous season. Excellent time conditions, continuous operation of the artificial snowing system and professional technical preparation contributed to such result”.
The Winter Season 2016/2017 will remain remembered also by the contribution to the creation of the mutual tourism product of Serbia and Montenegro after Mr. Dejan Ćika, CEO of the Ski Resorts of Serbia and Ms. Olivera Brajović, General Manager for Tourism Development and Standards in the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro, signed the Business Cooperation Contract, which enabled the owners of the seasonal ski passes bought for the Montenegrin ski resorts Savin Kuk, Kolašin 1450 and Vučje to spend three days of free skiing in one of the Serbian ski resorts, Kopaonik, Stara planina and Tornik on Zlatibor, and vice versa. The Contract related to the season 2016/2017 is valid also for the season 2017/2018.
And in accordance with its campaign called The High View, Public Company Ski Resorts of Serbia have already begun the preparations and announce innovations for this year’s summer season.

Special Hospital Merkur from Vrnjačka Spa won in London (on March 28, 2017) two prestigious European awards – for the BEST REGIONAL HOSPITAL and the BEST MANAGER OF THE YEAR within the leader summit Achievements 2017, organized by the Europe Business Assembly (EBA), EBA Conference and the International Leader Club. Some of the criteria for the winner selection at this Summit as the platform of new trends, manager role in the company’s achievements and the region development, investment into the advanced regions, territories and businesses, are “Leadership and personality, professionalism, education and management skills of the Manager, as well as strategic vision, the total hospital result, the service multidisciplinarity, positive reports of patients with the focus on their satisfaction”. The awards granted in the Royal Institute of Directors, at the prestigious business center of London, were received for the Special Hospital Merkur by Dr. Sci. Med. Dejan Stanojević, Merkur CEO and Mr.Miodrag Miljković, Marketing Manager. While Dejan Stanojević points out, “We are very proud of these awards, especially since they arrived in the year pf Merkur Anniversary – 70 years of successful existence. This is the confirmation that all our development efforts and activity were adequately placed and it is certainly the inducement for the new projects execution and the future planned by us”, Miodrag Miljković adds “The awards are the conformation that Merkur as medical center succeeds by its activity to follow the highest level demands and criteria”.
ISTN provides attached the current Merkur programs. |
Special Hospital Kanjiža Spa, which received the certificate TRUSTWORTHY COMPANY from the Center for Research of Clients’ Opinions for “Excellent Reputation and Persistence in Work, as well as Correct Cooperation with the Clients and Business Associates”, promoted at the Health Festival in Belgrade (April 5 – 6, 2017, Youth Center), the event attended by medical and pharmaceutical institutions, spa, wellness and fitness resorts, ethnic villages, healthy product manufacturers and those dealing in the healthy living style, its programs of medical rehabilitation, prevention programs for Osteoporosis treatment, attractive Wellness programs: My Weekend, Wellness and Sport Team Building, Shopping and Spa Weekend and others. As declared by Ms. Elena Veselinov, Kanjiža Spa PR, „The programs implemented here provide our guests with the opportunity, in addition to the holiday and recreation, also to get insight of their health condition. Our examinations include the analysis of the existing medical documents, physical functional examination, medical doctor’s report with the expertise, as well as the use of all resort’s Wellness and Spa capacities”. |
At the „Health Festival“ Kanjiža Spa featured also very convenient programs of retired persons treatment, with the possibility of payment in installments and the 20% discount throughout the year.
ISTN provides attached the current programs of Kanjiža Spa. |
Junaković Spa, with the promotional slogan „Your Part of the Pannonian Sea“, created and offered to the market many programs, among them, beside the Eastern one, also the most demanded current one - THE FIRST OF MAY DAWN 2017. Junaković Spa guests within this program are expected with the traditional camp fire, the outdoor Bački Breakfast, roast lamb for lunch and plentiful music program. The sport activities include bowling in the eight lane bowling unit, tennis and table tennis. The Junaković Spa guests also have got at their disposal diverse Wellness and Spa programs, curing water, sauna, Ai Chi practice in the swimming pool, underwater and hand massages, Wellness treatments and the new Pinda Sweda Herbal Spa Massage by herbal cushions. In addition to the indoor swimming pool, the outdoor one with geothermal water starts its operation since the 1st of May 2017, as well.
ISTN provides attached the current packages and programs of Junaković Spa

After the GREEK–SERBIAN TOURISM FORUM (December 14, 2016) was held in Belgrade, where the methods of the economic and tourism cooperation advancement and development between the two countries were considered, as well as SERBIAN–GREEK BUSINESS FORUM (January 31, 2017), with the speech of both Prime Ministers at the opening, as well and where it was pointed out „Greece is annually visited by about a million Serbian tourists, which contributes to Greek economy“, BELGRADE TOURISM FAIR IFT 2017, which showed Greece still was No.1 destination for Serbian tourists, in spite of about 50% higher prices, as well as after the Reception offered by the Embassy of this country for many personalities from cultural, political and public life of Serbia, on the occasion of the NATIONAL DAY OF GREECE (March 24, 2017), the GREEK WEEKEND will be organized for the second time on May 20 and 21, 2017.
This tradeshow / festival / tourism event, held on the Republic Square in Belgrade, under the auspices of the Greek Embassy to Belgrade, Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, Greek National Tourism Organization, City of Belgrade and the Tourism Organizations of Serbia and Belgrade, is aimed to connect and strengthen traditionally good relations between Serbia and Greece through the Greek culture, music and gastronomy promotion.
As declared by Ms. Sofia Lazaridou, Head of the Greek National Tourism Organization Office in Belgrade, „Since Greece has been the most popular holiday destination for the Serbs for many years, we want to feature also this way. We are annually pleased to host about a million Serb. The interest in the holiday in Greece is great, so everything shows also this year’s season will be finished by the increased tourist moving to Greece”. |
Also the fact that from January to October 2016, there were 40% more Greek tourists in Serbia than in the same period in the previous year, shows the tourist moving is advancing in both directions. Thus, the Greeks entered the list of the Top Ten Tourists Visiting Serbia.
The 22nd Annual European Spas Association - ESPA Congress, with the global objective of promoting European spas and balneology, as well as to take care of the natural remedies based upon mineral water, landscape and climate to be available to the highest possible number of citizens and visitors, is held on May 10 – 12, 2017 in Tivoli Terme in Rome (Italy). The dominating topic of this year’s Congress, which includes both workshops and B2B meetings, is INNOVATION FOR THE MEDICAL SPAS AND HEALTH RESORTS IN EUROPE and the topics to be discussed are: ‘Trends in Preventive Healthcare’, ‘Innovation and Market Value’, ‘Market, Financing and Regulations’, ‘From Research to Innovation’ and ‘From Innovation to Market’. As declared by the organizer “The Congress attendees will share the skills and ideas inspiring each other. This is the meeting point presenting a wide range of opportunities for international innovation projects and financing with the EU”.
ISTN provides attached the CONGRESS PROGRAM. |
According to the data of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the international tourism turnover in the European Union was increased for 4% in 2016 and reached about 500 million or 40% of the total global turnover. Within it, only the medical tourism industry counts annually the turnover growth of 25% (the regional recorder is Austria) and the research shows 5% of all international travels are related to a type of medical tourism (in the total turnover structure 15% is related to the esthetic surgery). The DIVA LASER CENTER in Belgrade is also developed this way, the dermatological institution with the longest tradition, dealing with DERMATOLOGICAL ANTIAGING PROCEDURES and LASERS.
As declared by Ms. Nataša Zmbov, founder of DIVA LASER CENTER, “We have got ten dermatological and surgical lasers and radio waves and combining them, we accomplish outstanding and permanent results. DIVA expert team, dermatologists and plastic surgeons perform diagnostics, treatment and rejuvenating of the skin, regardless of the problem complexity, as well as any other antiaging procedures”.
In the DIVA LASER CENTER, located in Belgrade, in 9, Prote Mateje Street, where the new methods of noninvasive lipolysis are carried out, as well as the most efficient treatments of cellulite and obesity, THE CONSULTING FOR DERMATOLOGICAL LASER IS FREE OF CHARGE.

The spatious cultural/historical unit Golubac Town is one of the most attractive travel destinations on the Danube, the space that got special organization, arrangement, use and protection system, due to its characteristics, value and priority tourism purpose. Golubac Town renewal has already taken several unplanned years. It understands reconstruction and conservation of the Fortress itself, and bypassing road construction and a tunnel drilling, the Visitor Center construction, external arrangement and infrastructure, as well as the construction of the river bank support. And while the Fortress will be a construction site also this year, since March 15, 2017 the Visitor Center has been opened and a part of the archaeological park within the Tourism Area Golubac Town Fortress. As declared by Ms.Iskra Maksimović PhD, CEO of The Fortress Golubac Town Ltd. company, „On March 26, 2017 also the first ship sailed in, since in the meantime we received the license, the harbor registration. It was a great day for us, the first group of tourists also arrived. So far, these are local ships but we are in the process of getting the border cross regulation and anything necessary for the cruiser sailing in. So far, we have got the announcement of the regular line end of May – Silver Star ship will sail from Veliko Gradište to the Fortress each Saturday and Aqua Star ship from Kladovo. i.e. Kostolac each Friday“.
In the spatial cultural / historical and natural environment Golubac Town, visited also before the season beginning by more than 1,000 tourists, the new exhibition of archaeological findings found during the reconstruction is in progress. Chronologically, they belong to the Copper Age, up to the older Turkish rule, in 18th century. The complex is open from 10.00 a. m. to 5.00 p. m. every day except Sunday.
The Museum/Tourist Train Nostalgy, which started on April 1, 2017 its driving season on the Šargan Eight railroad on Mokra Gora, the inevitable part of Balkan tours for which particularly interested are the tourists from Europe, Cina, Japan and Korea, will drive daily by the end of full season (October 31, 2017) on the line Mokra Gora-Šargan-Vitasi-Mokra Gora, at two regular times, 10.30 a. m. and 1.30 p. m. In case of greater interest of the passengers, another two extraordinary starts have been planned, at 8.00 a. m. and 4.00 p. m. It was declared by Serbian Railways „Both daytime and nighttime rent of this Museum / Tourist Train is possible and the prices remain the same, compared with the previous season“.
The Museum/Tourist Complex The Šargan Eight offers the tourists also the accommodation capacities in the Eight Inn, Mountain Lodge, 1.5 km far from Mokra Gora station, as well as in nearby Drvengrad.
ISTN provides attached the timetable and the price list of the Tourist Train Nostalgy. |
As further very successful cooperation between the Royal Palace and the Tourist Organization of Belgrade, the Royal Palace complex in Belgrade is reopened for publics. The visits are every Saturday and Sunday, from April 1 to October 31, 2017, in two ordinary timings, at 11.00 am and 2.00 pm. There is a possibility of group visit organizing also on week days, under previous announcement. The visits to the Royal Palace and the White Palace are planned so that the visitors, accompanied by professional tourist guides, get information on the history, arts and culture in a two hour walk around the Royal Palace complex. The tour includes a visit to the Royal and White Palace, as well as the Palace Family Chapel, dedicated to the St. Andrej First-Called, the patron Saint of the Royal Family.
The ticket includes also organized bus transportation from the Nikola Pašić Square. There is also the possibility of organizing extraordinary visits, under previous announcement to the Office of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Aleksandar II at the telephone +381 11 306 4050 or the E. kancelarija@dvor.rs .

Todor Hotels company, the owner of Beograd Art Hotel (4*) in Belgrade, with the features and services created equally for the staying of business guests and tourists and the Aleksandar Hotel (4*) in Vrnjačka Spa, at an attractive location within the spa park, has managed also the catering facility Šešir Moj since April 1, 2017, one of the symbols of the Bohemian Belgrade and Skadarlija. As declared by Ms. Vesna Gogić, Todor Hotels CEO, „We are very pleased that the restaurant Šešir Moj entered the company Todor Hotels, since it is the symbol of the Bohemian part of Belgrade - Skadarlija, it is a place of good entertainment and music of the best tamburitza players, with the top offer of Serbian traditional meals. It will complete the offer for the guests of other Belgrade hotels, as well, for the international tourists or participants in the international conferences and meetings wishing to experience ‘The Serbian Evening’ We also plan some investments focused to the comfort and offer improvement, which will certainly not affect the previous image and ambient of the restaurant”.