In accordance with this year’s slogan of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) on the occasion of the World Tourism Day -  SUSTAINABLE TOURISM – A TOOL FOR DEVELOPMENT, the activities of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia are going on – Regional Campaign THE DAYS OF SERBIA – SEE SERBIA and the local campaign SEE SERBIA – YOUR PERFECT HOLIDAY IS NEARBY of the Government of the Republic of Serbia – visa cancellation for some emission markets, such as China and Iran, and the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications – holiday subvention (vouchers) for the local tourists. According to the results, all this had a stimulating impact and contributed to the constant growth, both in the arrivals and nights of the tourists spending their holiday, or a part of it, in Serbia. As declared by Ms. Olga Baletić, PR of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, “In the period January/July 2017, there were 10% more nights, compared with the same period last year, among them 7% more local tourists and 17% of the international ones“. The tourists number growth in Serbia is in accordance with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) statistics, showing Europe is the most visited region on the planet as regarding tourism and inside Europe the Northern, Central and Eastern Europe have got the highest growth of the tourists number.  

National Tourism Organization of Serbia, which featured the offer of Serbia in the Hungarian market (on September 7, 2017, Budapest), completing the Regional Campaign and will also have the presentation at the Greek market, will celebrate the World Tourism Day – September 27 granting its highest award the Tourist Flower for the period from July 2016 to July 2017. The award for the most important achievements in the tourism service rising will be granted at the festivity in the White Royal Court in Belgrade.        



National tourism organization of Serbia
“Tourist Flower”

fax. +381 11 26 26 767




The World Bridge Tourism Project, funded by the European Union (EU) and organized by the European Travel Commission (ETC) and the European Tourism Association (ETOA), performs its second free WEBINAR series on September 21st, 2017 from 14:00 to 15:30h GMT+1 (14:00h London; 15:00h Berlin; 16:00h Athens).
WEBINAR offers practical advice and best practice examples, especially on European tourism service providers oriented to the Chinese market, as well as on travel destination managers in locations currently less visited by Chinese travelers.

The presentation in English language is a part of the wider program, in order to increase the understanding of the Chinese travelers' needs visiting European destinations, since 2018 is the EU – China Tourism Year. Webinar begins by a brief presentation of the latest events at the European market by COTRI China Outbound Research Institute, followed by discussions with the professionals already having experience with Chinese travelers. The topics are: „How to sell regional craftwork to Chinese travelers“, „What kind of gastronomy to orient to the Chinese travelers“, „How to motivate Chinese travelers to visit also the destinations out of the big routes“. The project includes also two Chinese main tour operators with the advice How to prepare for the new Chinese travel trends, for the increasingly diverse special interests, as well as for the growing number of individual travelers from China to Europe.
ISTN provides the link for registration and free Webinar attendance:


World Bridge Tourism

+ 49 40 558 99 576


National tourism organization of Serbia

+ 381 11 6557100

Events, the tourism brand of Serbia, attract both local and global tourists. About 2,000 events annually gather about 2 million tourists and earn about 30 million Euros. But, the lack of agreement and date coordination among the event organizers is shown by the fact that many attractive events overlapped this year, which is certainly neither good for the organizers, nor for the visitors. It was like this in August and it is so also in September. Will the event organizers sit to agree for the year 2018?!

For the forthcoming days Internet Serbia Travel News suggests you to visit the following ones:

On September 14 to 17, in Vršac, the „Grape Picking Days“, are organized as the traditional festivity of the grape picking completion, with a Carnival, grape throwing from an airplane, ‘Wine Street’, The Masked Ball, sport competitions and concerts (
On September 21 to 24, in Aleksandrovac, Župa Grape Picking is organized, at which “To honor grapes, wine, the sun, efforts of hard working Župa inhabitants, the divine ambrosia will flow in the Wine Fountain” (
On September 21 to 24, in Kikinda, the PUMPKIN DAYS are held, the pumpkin growers competition for the largest and longest one. The event is accompanied by cultural/entertainment program (
On September 22 to 24, in Kraljevo, there is the event Silver Cauldron – Bean Festival gathering many participants cooking this traditional Serbian meal at the city quay (

On September 22 to 24, on Palić, there is Wine Marathon, including Wine Race and Joy Race through the vineyards of Palić wineries and each race participant may come to the start point in his own original costume (

On September 29 to 30, in Koceljeva Municipality, the Winter Salad Festival is organized, an event devoted to the fruits and vegetables growing and processing, as well as the presentation of tourism capacities (


Within the cultural / tourism event SUMMER IN THE GALLERY GARDEN, organized in Novi Sad by the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection and Matica Srpska Gallery and which offers to the fellow – citizens and guests of this city an interesting and diverse program during summer evenings, consisting of music features, travel reports, films, quizzes and concerts, the travel report Peru – The Wonderland, produced by the Internet Serbia Travel News Editorial Board, was featured on August 24, 2017. Peru was shown through one of the New Seven Wonders of the World - Machu Picchu, “The Entrance to Inca Empire” - Lima, the immense Anden, the Sacred Valley and Cusco, Amazon, gastronomy and tradition.  


The Memorial Collection of Pavle Beljanski
Novi Sad, Trg galerija 2

+381 21 4729966


In the forthcoming period, the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection and the Heritage House from Belgrade organize the Exhibition “Petar  Lubarda 1907 – 1974 – 2017”, on the occasion of the celebration of 110th Anniversary of the artist’s birth. The Exhibition in the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection in Novi Sad takes place from September 7 to November 5, 2017 and then in the  Heritage House in Belgrade from November 9, 2017 to January 10, 2018.

The Exhibition also includes Lubarda’s paintings from the Museum of the City of Belgrade, Museum of Serbian Orthodox Church, Government of the Republic of Serbia, Matica Srpska Gallery and Milan  Konjović Gallery from Sombor


   SILAFEST 2017

The 9th International Festival of Tourism and Environmental Film SILVER LAKE TOURFILM FESTIVAL – SILAFEST, held in Serbia under the auspices of the International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals - CIFFT, including the most prominent, not only European authors, but also the worldwide ones, takes place this year at the Danube bank, in Veliko Gradište, on August 27 to September 1.

As declared by Mr. Boško Savković, Executive Director of the Festival,SILAFEST has the environmental and tourism film as its basic guideline, but the Festival will also include the culture tourism films, wine films, large and famous shrine films, sport films, those about museums, wine cellars, Monasteries, spas, ski centers, Mediterranean islands and exotic destinations. Tourism development is currently linked to clean environment areas, which implements the matter of environmental sustainable tourism development worldwide. Hence the connection of these two essential categories at the Festival“.

At this year’s SILAFEST, 67 films from Turkey, the Netherlands, Switzerland, UK, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia, United Arab Emirates, USA, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and other countries were presented. The Grand Prix Award Winner for The Best Film Accomplishment is Boško Savković with the film On Behalf of Life 1999, who also won the Golden Wave Award for The Best Environmental Film. The Golden Wave Award for The Best Tourism Film was granted to the Turkish film Mistery of Mersin, while Sokobanja – The Green Heart of Serbia was declared for The Best Serbian Tourism Film. 
Closing the Festival, Ms. Marija Labović, CEO of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, pointed out this Festival importance, where “Promotional films present travel destinations of Serbia, especially this year, declared for the Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development”.




+381 65 3345060




According to the statistics of the Republic Institute for Statistics, Serbia was visited in the period January / July 2017 by 12% more tourists, compared with the same period last year. This shows tourism is one of the fastest growing activities and the development driving force also in Serbia, as worldwide. Pace with such growth has to be kept by everyone in the chain of tourism demand and supply, they have to show they have got skills within sustainable tourism, behavior toward the clients and the rules of hospitality, they have to be ready for frequent travels, staying at tradeshows, to work on weekends and feasts in several shifts. And to be able also to study in addition to all this, DOBA Faculty organizes online studies, enabling full flexibility in this engagement field.

As declared by the DOBA Faculty Management “We are the leading performer of the complete online studies, the only 100% online faculty in Serbia and the only Faculty with international accrediting of online studies UNIQUE in the Southeast Europe. We were the first one to start the online studies and at present we have got the highest quality, the most contemporary and the biggest online studies constantly advanced and updated by us. Our students are extremely satisfied and 3,596 graduates prove how much we are successful in this branch. Our accredited online study program within tourism in Serbian language - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM is conceived to process contemporary, practical, internationally oriented features. The students are taught during the studies by the expert from the practice, they are followed by excellent online mentors, preparing them for the work in tourism, in order to provide as good results as possible and be most respected”. 
Applying for the online studies at DOBA Faculty lasts until September 30, 2017. 

ISTN provides attached the Conditions for the Program Admission  BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM, as well as the  Information of the Program itself.

+381 11 2206669
Mob. + 381 65 2287999



Putting the Adventure Park in operation (August 28, 2017), Kopaonik became richer for another feature. This adrenaline attraction for children and adults, which may be used throughout the year, takes the area of about 2,000 sq. m. and consists of many components and diverse obstructions. There is the pedestrian bridge, figures to pull through, mini zip line, synchronous walking circles, jungle gym, hill to pull through and get down, large chess, climbing, mini trampoline and other attractions. Opening the Adventure Park, Mr. Rasim Ljajić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and Mr. Dejan Ćika, CEO of Ski Resorts of Serbia, pointed out the objective was to let Kopaonik become travel destination both in winter and summer period, having reminded “This year, the turnover on Kopaonik is even 70% higher, compared with the previous year, which was the record one”.

Since Top Summer Weekends and other promotional actions in this summer season caused great interest on Kopaonik, Zlatibor (Tornik) and Stara Planina the number of tourists on the mountains is still high, they say as long as the weather it allows, the tourists will be able to use the panoramic chairlift drives, trim paths, mountain bike and mountain cart runs, as well as the Adventure Park now, with the use price of RSD.450 for two hours. 



Public Company Ski Resorts of Serbia

+381 11 3117901 



Special Hospital Kanjiža Spa closes the summer season with almost all full capacities. As declared by Ms. Elena Veselinov, PR of Kanjiža, “This summer was really full of activities. We hosted all those wishing to attend the unique phenomenon The Tisa River Flourishing, we take care of the teambuilding sport teams, our programs Summer in Kanjiža Spa were very popular, as well and we organized for our guests also cruising on the river Tisa, lunch on the Tisa bank, professional lectures of our specialist medical doctors, as well as enjoying the music of tambouritsa bands in the restaurant of Aquamarin facility. Our program MY WEEKEND is still especially attractive, among others owing to many events held in Kanjiža, attracting many tourists”.

Special Hospital Kanjiža Spa will feature its new offer for the forthcoming season, as well as the current 20% discount for retired persons, on September 29 – 30, 2017, in Zaječar. On that date, the town, under cooperation with Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Regional Chambers of Commerce of   Zaječar and Bor regions, organizes the 6th International Fair Healthy – Homemade – Natural, the 3rd Financing Fair and the 2nd Tourism Fair, with the objective of presentation of tourism potentials, natural resources, cultural wealth and travel destinations with various features for holiday, entertainment, health recovery, sport and recreation.                                                                                        

ISTN provides attached the Event Calendar in Kanjiža Municipality
  ( )
  as well as the current programs of Kanjiža Spa


The Kanjiža Spa

+ 381 24 875 163


In Junaković Spa, where the guests have at their disposal, beside the outdoor and indoor swimming pools with thermal mineral water, diverse  Wellness & Spa programs, curing water, sauna, practices in the swimming pool, Wellness treatments and various massages, beach volley and tennis courts, table tennis and the eight lane bowling unit, as well as various types of Weekends for Two Persons (and families with children), Packages for Two and Family Packages, the Day and Mini Packages, facilitations for Trade Unions and retired persons, with payment in installments, new offers have been announced, as well.  Under the title NEW OFFER – SENIOR, on October 1, 2017, they enter the market with the special offer for the persons older than 55. The offer is related to the weekend visit based upon healthy days and full board. 

ISTN provides attached the current packages and programs of Junaković Spa



The Special Rehabilitation Hospital ‘Junaković’
Prigrevačka bb, Apatin
+381 25 772477
+381 25 772311




World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) research shows 5% of all international travels are related to a kind of medical tourism (in the total turnover structure 15% is related to the esthetic surgery). DIVA LASER CENTER in Belgrade, the dermatological institution with the longest tradition, performing DERMATOLOGICAL ANTIAGING PROCEDURES and LASERS, develops this way, as well. As declared by Ms. Nataša Zmbov, founder of DIVA LASER CENTER, “Combining dermatological and surgical lasers and radio waves, we accomplish outstanding and permanent results. DIVA expert team, dermatologists and plastic surgeons, are involved in diagnostics, skin treatment and rejuvenation, regardless of the problem complexity, as well as any other antiaging procedures. At present, we have got 25% discount to all HEALTHYAGING Treatments and the offer includes also EXTREME LIFT, the cream intended for the mature skin care, which improves its softness, makes it elastic and strengthens the face contours, as well as AQUA LIFT, the moisturizing cream adapted to all skin types”.
In DIVA LASER CENTER, located in 9, Prote Mateje Street, in Belgrade, new methods of noninvasive lipolysis, as well as the most efficient cellulite and obesity treatments are applied. DERMATOLOGICAL LASER CONSULTING IS FREE OF CHARGE.



Tourism Organization of Belgrade

One of the most attractive events is certainly SHIP CARNIVAL, unfortunately followed this year by rain, has got the objective of promoting the rivers Sava and Danube and their confluence, making the recognizable image of Belgrade along with the Great War Island.

Although not as attractive as in some earlier years, this year’s SHIP CARNIVAL (September 2, 2017), the thirteenth edition, gathered in front of the Sava Promenade, at the area between the Branko's Bridge and Gazelle, about eighty boats and ships from Belgrade marines, as well as the sportsmen of Jet Ski Association who performed water acrobatics. As declared by Mr. Miodrag Popović, CEO of the Tourism Organization of Belgrade, “Ship Carnival is one of the most exciting events, which attracts not only local visitors, but also international tourists. It is a unique event with family character, which affirms the recreation/sport activities and contributes to Belgrade return to its rivers, from which it started”.   

13th BELGRADE SHIP CARNIVAL, organized by the Tourism Organization of Belgrade, under support of the Belgrade City Assembly, many city departments and event friends, was followed also by the performances.

ISTN provides the 13th BELGRADE BOAT CARNIVAL review in the Belgrade chapter

SMEDEREVO AUTUMN (September 7 – 10, 2017), the tourism/wine/economic event promoting the Smederevo Fortress, Smederevo wine famous all over the world, poured in the ‘Wine Street’, handicrafts and the local production of the autumn fruits from the Danube, Braničevo and other Serbian regions, celebrates its 130th Establishing Anniversary this year

This unique brand of Smederevo and, at the same time, also one of the oldest events in Serbia, promotes hospitality and beauty of Smederevo region, agricultural production of about twenty Smederevo villages – Village Yards, handicrafts, specialties and habits – The Golden Hands, selling exhibitions of artworks, souvenirs and old crafts, performances, knight tournaments and the wealth of Despot’s medieval Serbian Royal Court, showing the earlier glory of Serbian Emperors. Through the folklore, concerts of the artistic, folk and pop music, the visitors could get acquainted with the characteristics of Smederevo Region.

As declared by Mr. Goran Jovšić, Acting CEO of the Public Company Smederevo Fortress and a member of the event Organization Board, „As the former capital of Serbia, Smederevo is decorated by the magnificent  fortress at the Danube from the 15th century, constructed by Despot Đurađ Branković, which is currently the venue of many important events. There are few cities, not only in Serbia, but also in the world which may boast with such a thing”.
During the SMEDEREVO AUTUMN event, visits to the Golden Hill Villa, former summer house of Obrenović Dinasty, were organized for the visitors, as well as the city sightseeing by the tour bus service.


Smederevo Fortress

+381 26 612840




In Petrčani near Zadar (Croatia), at Falkensteiner Spa Hotel Iadera, on September 28 and 29, 2017, the first Hotel Operations Weekend (HOW) is held, a European festival involved in hotel operations. As declared by the organizer „Global trends in hotel operations, business optimizing models and enhancement of communication and sales to the clients will be discussed at the Festival“.

   The Festival Program consists of panel discussions and lectures, as well as workshops,
   divided into hotel sections
„Hotel laundry outsourcing – does it pay off?” and “Housekeeping organization – how to decrease the cost and increase the staff efficiency”
„Seeking an authentic experience – how reception can bring closer the local experience to the guests?” and “How technology can be implemented in reception?”
Food and Beverage
„How to increase usability and decrease the food cost?” and “How hotel bars can be profitable?”
Sales and Marketing
Digital network and web content – how important are they?”
„How to choose the right technology?”

Complete program, as well as all information of the Festival may be seen at



Festival HOW

+ 385 91 7610885




The First GASTRO CUP SERBIA, Senior Professional Chef Competition, will be held within the GASTRO CHALLENGE OF THE DANUBE REGION during the 50th Anniversary Tourism Fair in Novi Sad  (October 5 – 7, 2017). This event, organized by GREEN VALLEY Association, Novi Sad Fair, Culinary Federation of Serbia, Serbian Chef Association, Culinary Association of Serbia and HoReCa Association Kragujevac, has got the objective of the branch advancing, young chef education, new trends and contemporary techniques implementation, but also the regions and gastronomic habits presentation. As decided by the organizer: “The right to participate in this championship have got professional chefs from all Balkan Region, European and global countries”.




+ 381 64 3028258
