At a good time if used in a smart way, the 51st International Tourism Fair was held in Novi Sad (October 4 – 7, 2018, Master Hall of Novi Sad Fair). Organized within the LORIST Fairs (Hunting and Fishing, Tourism, Environment and Sport), as regarding its features it was redefined into the Inbound Tourism Fair. The tourist is in its center, for which an offer is created based upon contemporary motives, expectations and experiences. This year, the Fair expressed this aspect first of all through International B2B Meetings and particularly through the Hosted Buyer Program, executed under partnership with the German Evintra agency. As estimated by the participants and in our opinion, this is the best part of this year’s Fair. The Danube Region, with its „Diverse historical heritage, culture, religion and market”, announced during the preparation of the Tourism Fair as its ‘Essence’, was the least represented in this way. However, Tourism Organization of Vojvodina presented the whole destination and promoted the Digital Guide through Vojvodina, the Tourism Organization of Novi Sad announced the arrival of more than 30 global companies organizing river travels. The National Tourism Organization of Serbia promoted Active Holiday in Serbia, there were also some spas and Mountain Resorts. Gastronomy was represented through the project Gastro Challenges as well as many stands of food and wine manufacturers.
However, we cannot get over the impression that something is still missing in the total profile of the Tourism Fair which should show at this time of the year the autumn/winter offer first of all of Vojvodina and then also the whole Serbia. The absence of travel agencies is visible, as well, which did not use the opportunity to appear with the First Minute winter offer. And the local tourists get very much the habits of the global ones and book their destinations in advance. Thus, the sentence by which we finished our comment to the last year’s Fair, saying “The Tourism Fair in Novi Sad, which had so far problems with the conception, makes a step forward. And if it will also pick up the pace, already the next year will show” still remains valid. Pace picking-up is in progress.
After the summer promotional tour in Vojvodina under the title PANNONIAN SUMMER ADVENTURE, Tourism Organization of Vojvodina (TOV) organized (September 28 – 30, 2018) the promotional tour for tourism journalists under the title VOJVODINA AUTUMN SOUL, wishing to present the culture and wine tourism, to suggest the individuals, organized groups and travel agencies how to plan an autumn weekend in Vojvodina, with a visit to Monasteries and wineries. Nataša Pavlović, TOV CEO, points out that the autumn is something one should experience in Vojvodina, saying for the Internet Serbia Travel News “We want to show the religious and wine tourism offer. The spiritual wealth of Vojvodina shown through Monasteries is invaluable, this is the cultural heritage treasury. And the autumn is the events time to honor wine and grape picking and therefore this is a good mutual story”.
And so we went on the spirituality and wine routes, with the meeting points at two Vojvodina destinations – Vršac Mountains and Fruška Gora. We visited the Monasteries (Mesić, Kovilj, Novo Hopovo, Vrdnik and Mala Remeta), tasted famous Banat and Fruška Gora wines in wineries (Đorđe, Vinik, Kovačević and Deurić), and spent time in Vršac and ethno village Vrdnička kula. It was a winning combination indeed.
Thus, in accordance with the idea the VOJVODINA AUTUMN SOUL should be a three-day excursion, also the Internet Serbia Travel News experiences this picturesque travel in such way and provides complete review of the travels in the chapter DESTINATIONS
Adventure Tourism is one of the fastest growing tourism industry branches in the world and such trend may be seen in Serbia, as well. Preserved nature, tradition of the local cultures, diverse gastronomic offer and hospitality confirm it. Although the statistics do not follow the number of tourists visiting Serbia with just these motives, the researches of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) showed most tourists mention natural attractions as the travel motive, in addition to the cultural / historical sights. In this respect October in Serbia is in the sign of ACTIVE TOURISM. First, on the occasion of the World Tourism Day, NTOS organized (September 27, 2018, Belgrade) the exhibition Active Holiday in Serbia, with the objective to take Belgrade inhabitants and guests through photos to the destinations which may offer this type of holiday and then the Active Tourism topic was dominating also in the NTOS attendance at the Tourism fair in Novi Sad (October 4 – 7, 2018). Speaking for the Internet Serbia Travel News, Marija Labović, NTOS CEO, says “The active holiday trend in the world is such that the increasing number of tourists demand it. The most profiled ones are trekking and biking, but increasingly popular are also kayak ride and canyoning, descending into the canyons all over Serbia. Thus, we published a new brochure related to the active holiday and the destinations prepared themselves for this offer, as well”. |
Since the summer campaign provided outstanding results and the foreign currency revenue from tourism is higher for 13%, the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, which recently promoted the complete offer of Serbia at TTG Travel Experience Rimini (October 10 – 12, 2018, Italy), has already announced also the winter campaign for early November this year.

Cluster of Health, Wellness and Spa Tourism Serbia, a new member of European Spas Association (ESPA), organized a very informative planned 9th CEIREGIONAL FORUM OF WELLNESS & SPA INDUSTRY in Vrnjačka Spa (October 17, 2018, Hotel Solaris), which upon proposal of Nataša Ranitović, President of the Cluster of Health, Wellness and Spa Tourism Serbia, became also (April 23, 2018) a member of the Association of Roman Thermal Spas of Europe. The main topic of theForum, which was included by CEI in 2014 into its five best projects and was currently, for the ninth time, dealing in the tradition in the Wellness and Spa concepts, was How to create the authentic spa offer based upon cultural and historical heritage in the region, with the focus on the Roman and Ottoman spa culture. The Forum, attended also by Miroslav Knežević, State Secretary for Tourism of Serbia, gathered experts and professionals from medical, Wellness and SPA tourism from Serbia and the region. In addition to the speaking on the basic topics, good practice examples were mentioned, as well. The Workshop was also held upon the topic „Solutions and Strategies for Spa Operation Challenges”.
Within the Forum, the Agreement of Cooperation was signed between the Cluster of Health, Wellness and Spa Tourism Serbia and Cluster of Health Tourism of the Republic of Srpska.

8th Business Conference South East Europe Tourism – SEET 2018 (October 3, 2018, Sava Center, Belgrade) focused this this year on new forms of the region connecting and positioning as integral tourism market, on the promotion of the priority tourist destinations and tourist routes of the region, methods of attracting tourists from distant emissive markets and the inbound tourism stimulation and, first of all, finding the way to increase the tourism revenues.
As declared by Milivoj Radovanović, CEO of Mass Media International, the organizer of this Conference, “We exchanged opinions of the topics „How to improve destination features“, „What attracts new guests“, „How to include in the Project for Tourism Promotion at the Western Balkan, for which EU provided 5 million Euros“, „What are the bew values at Hospitality & Travel market“ and others and listened the the best practice example experiences“.
Our impression from this Conference, having four thematic panel discussions, as well as the related B2B meetings, is the participants agreed the Southeast Europe countries have got huge potential, since they are experienced as undiscovered destinations with natural beauties, cultural – historical heritage, many attractions and events, traditional hospitality and authentic gastronomy. And since tourism is increasingly defined as Experience Industry, The Southeast Europe region has got all preconditions to be high positioned at the global tourism market. The Conference was traditionally closed by Brand Leader Award granting.
ISTN provides attached the BRAND LEADER AWARD 2018 winners |

At the Singidunum University the SITCON 2018 Conference was held (October 12, 2018), with the topic Culture, Heritage and Tourism Development. Since European Union (EU) declared 2018 the Cultural Heritage Year with the slogan “Our heritage – Where the past meets the future”, this Conference topic connected culture and tourism in a practical way. Miroslav Knežević, State Secretary for Tourism in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, mentioned interesting data: 43% tourists visiting Europe are motivated by culture, 11% employees are in their operation, while even one fifth of the total tourism turnover goes to cultural tourism. He also reminded the Strategy of Serbian Tourism Development until 2025 is very much based upon the cultural tourism. Marija Labović, CEO of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, highlighted Serbia was at five of 33 cultural routes of the Council of Europe, pointing out the fact about 60% of tourists arrive at Serbia because of its cultural/historical values. Well planned Conference for which the Creative Moderator was Professor Jovan Popesku (Singidunum University), was followed by plenary sessions with the speakers from Belgium, Ireland and Israel, and with very interesting and intriguing topics, such as „Cultural Heritage – An Opportunity for Tourism”, „Cultural Assets Promotion by the National Tourism Organization of Serbia at Facebook”, „Film Industry Influence to Travel Destinations”, „Gastronomic Events as a Part of Tourism Offer of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Serbia” and others.
A form part of the SITCON 2018 Conference was also award granting within the Project 'Quality Estimation of Belgrade City Tourism Offer' - SINGIDUNUM WINNER including three, four and five star hotels, categorized restaurant facilities, as well as the incoming travel agencies. The students of final study years within this Project executed by Singidunum University, along with its partners – Belgrade City Assembly, Tourism Organization and Chamber of Commerce of Belgrade, as well as Business Associations HORES and YUTA, awarded some participants in the city tourism offer existing for many years, but also some new ones, who gained the market in a short time.
ISTN provides attached the winners of the SINGIDUNUM WINNER Award. |

Niš, the third largest destination by tourist visits, after Belgrade and Novi Sad, having the increase of the total tourist number for 17.3%, featured at the Tourism Fair in Novi Sad the total offer of the destination, with the focus on the accommodation facilities, being increasingly interesting with the air traffic increase in this city.
Thus, Uroš Parlić, CEO of the Tourism Organization of Niš, says for the Internet Serbia Travel News „Niš is social, economic, educational, medical, cultural and sport center of the Southeast Serbia, categorized as a first class tourism resort, with all necessary preconditions to become an extremely attractive tourist destination. So far, there are enough accommodation facilities, both hotels and hostels and other accommodation facilities. Since the winter tourism season follows on Kopaonik, Niš Airport will certainly be the facilitating occasion for the tourists from many countries, who will ski on this mountain”.
Niš, the traditional destination for the New Year’s Eve, first of all for the neighbors from the neighboring countries, will promote its winter tourism offer also at the Tourism and Rural Tourism Fair in Kragujevac (November 23 – 25, 2018). |

Tourism Organization of Vojvodina (TOV) presented new projects and innovations – Digital Guide through the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Project ViCTour – Virtual and Cultural Tourism at the 51st International Tourism Fair in Novi Sad. On this occasion, Nataša Pavlović, TOV CEO, points out „The Guide through the Tourism of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina shows all sections of the offer and values of Vojvodina – nature, history, architecture, culture and gastronomy. We could not virtually show only hospitality, but this is the motive for tourists to come and feel it”. Since the statistics show the tourist number in Vojvodina is higher for 11% compared with the previous year, the Guide was produced in Serbian and English languages and will be coordinated also with the distant markets, such as China and the United Arab Emirates.
TOV executes the Project ViCTour – Virtual and Cultural Tourism (Interreg-IPA CBC, Croatia-Serbia) under cooperation with Vukovar – Srijem County (the leading partner in the Project), Tourist Board of Vukovar – Srijem County, The Fund European Business of AP Vojvodina and the University of Novi Sad, i.e. Faculty of Economics from Subotica. The Project main results are the recognizable identity of the region, the increased visibility of the tourism offer, mutual development of the cross border tourism offer of Srijem/Srem and mutual tourism development in Croatia and Serbia. And all this together using the new information and communication technologies (ICT). The ViCTour Project lasts until October 14, 2019.

Special Hospital Kanjiža Spa presented at the Tourism Fair in Novi Sad (October 4 – 7, 2018, Master Hall of Novi Sad Fair), as well as at the Specialized Fair of Nutrition, Dietetics, Wellness, Alternative Medicine, Health and Cosmetic Care - Health Festival, held under the slogan Think Earlier, Select Healthier in Belgrade (October 4 –5, 2018, Serbian Army Hall) its program for the NEW YEAR’S EVE 2019 with the message "Help yourself with the maximal relaxation during the New Year’s Eve holiday in Kanjiža Spa, enjoy many activities, use Wellness vouchers for maximal enjoying and enter the New Year more rested and positive then ever”.
Beside the New Year’s Eve program, promoted were also the medical rehabilitation programs, preventive programs for Osteoporosis treatment, attractive Wellness programs, such as „My Weekend“, „Wellness and Sport Team Building“ and „Shopping and Spa Weekend“, while the focus is on the discount for the Inpatient Day Related to the Number of Days (all guests staying 15 to 21 days may get it and the additional discount is related to the staying for more than 21 days).
ISTN provides attached the NEW YEAR’s EVE program, as well as the other ones of Kanjiža Spa. |
The successfully completed summer season on Serbian mountains – Kopaonik, Zlatibor (Tornik) and Stara Planina showed the selection of these destinations is increasingly new fashioned. In this respect the preparations for the winter season 2018 / 2019 began indeed, for which the Ski Resorts of Serbia, which recently organized (September 10 – 12, 2018, Zlatibor) the second Mountain Resorts SummitCentral Europe - MoReSCE 2018, preparedpripremila advanced sales of ski passes through web shop lasting from November 1 – 15, 2018 with 15% discount.
The skiers and boarders have got the opportunity during two weeks to get the skipasses under better conditions. During this period, skipass buying is possible by payment cards and the ski passes are taken at the desired ski resort a day before the skiing beginning. |
The Ski Resorts of Serbia show their offer also at the Expozim Fair in Belgrade (November 29 – December 2, 2018) where the ski pass prices will be 10% lower. Since Internet Serbia Travel News Team was assured in the previous winter season on Kopaonik everything operated perfectly, even without natural snow, first of all owing to the Ski Resorts of Serbia and to the general satisfaction of the skiers and boarders, it is quite easy to believe in Dejan Ćika’s, CEO of the Ski Resorts of Serbia, words „In front of us is the new skiing season, already under preparation. Many local and international skiers are expected and better results accordingly“.

The third successive event in the series on the occasion of The MAGNIFICENT 12 Project was organized (October 5, 2018) in Belgrade Gastronaut bar, when Nikolija and Milija Ivanović from Kriva Reka village, the owners of OUR ZLATKA Dairy, presented, under support of Tourism Organization of Zlatibor, authentic Zlatibor specialties – complete flat bread, yogurt, cheese and milk cream. Our Zlatka Dairy is a part of the Project “From Hills to Dairies – From Our Mountains Milk”, financed by European Union, with the aim of support to the milk production in the cross border region of Serbia and Montenegro.
The promotion itself in the Gastronaut bar is a part of The MAGNIFICENT 12 Project executed by the Supernatural Citizen Association, under partnership with Veselinov Tourism Consulting and under assistance of the US Embassy to Serbia. Let us remind, this project promotes 12 autochthonous Serbian gastronomic products from various, equally located resorts of Serbia and so many farms, which besides food manufacturing, also deal in tourism. The Project mapped 12 households offering the accommodation and serving meals made of selected groceries, such as yogurt, milk cream, cheese, potatoes, paprika, ayvar, roast lamb meat, hot sausages, honey, spice and medicinal herbs, wine, brandy and other products. Naša Zlatka products may be found in the catering and retail trade facilities of Zlatibor and they are expected soon also in Belgrade.
It is generally famous fact that food takes an important place in tourism development. Gastronomic tourism is a type of cultural tourism, since the kitchen and recipes are the local culture products and the food preparation ways belong to intangible cultural heritage. The number of events having gastronomy at the first place is growing and this is contributed also by the three of them recently held in Belgrade.
The festival of the local food and drinks The Autumn Taste Fest (September 29 – 30, 2018, Hotel Metropol Palace), gathered many exhibitors of food and drinks, only from private manufacture. It was a type of creative WorkShop, since the visitors did not only taste the products, but also discussed about them with the manufacturer. The Guest Country was Romania. Thus, the opening was attended also by H.E. Ms. Oana Cristina Popa, Ambassador of Romania to Serbia.
Under the slogan “The New Face of the Market“, Belgrade Night Market was held at Kalenić market in Belgrade (October 12, 2018), organized by the Public Utility Company City Markets and Redesign Ltd. Its idea is to promote the markets and point out the traditional values offered by them. At this unique tourism/economic festival, the exhibitors are the manufacturers of delicassies, restaurants, artists, wineries and other catering staff, who make from the market on that day the biggest restaurant and art exhibition outdoors.
This year, the Netherlands was the Guest Country of the Balkan Cheese Festival, the eighth edition of the gastronomic/ tourism exhibition of authothonous cheese types (October 13 – 14, 2018, Youth House), where the viasitors could taste rare and unusual cheese types from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, France and Croatia. A form part of this year’s festival were lectures with the topics „Dutch Tradition: Cheese Manufacturing on Farms“, „History of Cheese Manufacturing and Cheese Types from the Netherlands“ and „Old Meals from Cheese Types and Dairy Products as a Part of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Serbia“.