
National Tourism Organization of Serbia, under cooperation with this year’s host, Organization for Tourism and Culture of Sokobanja, organized in the Moravica Hotel, in Sokobanja (May 10 – 13, 2017), the destination celebrating this year 180 years of organized tourism, the 8th Tourism Forum having the objective of informing through educational sessions and workshops the representatives of the local Tourism Organizations of the strategic directions of tourism development, contemporary trends in the presentation and promotion of tourism potentials and, first of all, to inform them of the possibilities of applying for EU Fond projects. In accordance with this objective, the introduction speech 'How to Support Tourism Development in Serbia through EU Programs' was provided (Vladimir Zafirović, Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia), as well. Since the tourism is the economic branch showing the continuous growth, supports the development of public/private partnership and provides the income that goes into the budget, at the Forum, attended by many attendees from the local and regional Tourism Organizations from Serbia and tourism journalists, Ms. Marija Labović, CEO of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, pointed out “The Forum is important because the methods of Serbian tourism enhancement are discussed there and Serbia is becoming an increasingly interesting and demanded tourism destination. At the same time, the objective of the Forum itself, in addition to the official section, is also getting closer and together, in order to achieve higher results and establish better mutual cooperation in tourism“.
She also featured the current campaign of Serbian tourism at BBC, as well as an innovation related to the winners of the most prestigious award of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia – The Tourism Flower, which enables direct featuring of the winners to the general publics through promotions and panel discussions. The Forum was followed also by many sport competitions.
The next, 9th Tourism Forum will be held at Palić.

In order to support further growth of the international guests number, the National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) started middle of April a television campaign at the global networks BBC World (according to the research from 2016, even 77% of TV public and readers of this network's portal enjoys visits to the new travel destinations) and Eurosport (the public of this largest global network specialized in sport event watching are the target group that mostly travels to holidays abroad and even 23% of them select the Central and Eastern Europe).
The 30 seconds long promotional spot will be shown during spring and autumn more than 600 times in European countries and the USA. As declared by Ms. Marija Labović, CEO of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, “The spot invites tourists to visit cities in Serbia, take an active holiday outdoors, visit our cultural / historical monuments and enjoy the gastronomy“.
While the promotional campaign of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia – 'My Serbia' is intended for the local market, in order to present the Serbian tourism offer in the summer period (Niš June 06, Čačak June 23, Novi Sad June 30 and Belgrade July 7, 2017), the campaign 'The Days of Serbia in the Region' is oriented to Bulgaria (Sofia, May 19,2017), Slovenia (Ljubljana May 26, 2017), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Banja Luka June 1, 2017), Romania (Timisoara June 8 – 9, 2017), Montenegro (Podgorica June 15, 2017), Hungary (September 8, 2017) and Greece (Thessaloniki October 12, 2017). |
The NTOS, under support of the Tourism Organizations of Belgrade, Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Niš, Zlatibor, Western Serbia, Leskovac, Dragačevo, Raška and Ivanjica, the organizers of festivals in Serbia and HORES, features what mostly attracts tourists from the region and these are,in addition to the tradition, also gastronomy and the events, such as Nišvill Jazz Festival, Beer Fest, EXIT, Guča, Barbecue Show and Nušić Show.
In the meantime, promoting tourism, the NTOS opened at the bottom of Avala Tower, one of Belgrade symbols, the fifth Information Center and souvenir shop, intended for the promotion and sales of the authentic souvenirs of Serbia.
ISTN u dodatku daje promotivne filmove Turističke organizacije Srbije. |

After the first organized group of 200 tourists from Iran, the country with about 4,300 historical monuments, spent four days in Serbia in March 2016, organized by the largest Iranian tour operator Iran Markaz from Tehran, visiting the most important travel destinations (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Fruška Gora, Sremski Karlovci, Topola, Oplenac and others), and after they were welcomed in the premises of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) by Mr. Rasim Ljajić, Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and Ms. Marija Labović, NTOS CEO, Serbian and Slovenian tourism industry organized this year in Tehran (April 22, 2017) the promotion called „Enjoy Serbia, Feel Slovenia“, intended for cooperation establishing with Iranian tour operators and travel agencies. This event was attended by representatives of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia and Slovenia Tourist Board, representatives of both countries' Embassies in Iran, as well as the representatives of 15 tourism companies from Slovenia and Serbia.
How much Iran is interested in this region shows also the Tourism Seminar organized by the Iranian tour operator Iran Markaz several days later (May 3 – 5, 2017) in the Festive Hall of the Hotel Persian Azadi in Tehran, promoting to its subagents (more than 50 of them) the tourism offers of Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Tatarstan. The arrival of Iranian delegation to Belgrade has been announced, as well, for signing many trade contracts, one of them covering also the agreement on the direct air line establishing between Tehran and Belgrade.
After the National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) featured the offer of Serbia, the first country of the Central and Eastern Europe with non-visa system for Chinese tourists, at a special Workshop (March 28, 2017) in Beijing, in front of more than 100 travel organizers and Chinese economy representatives, after its participation in the large travel tradeshow COTTM (China Outbound Travel & Tourism Market) in Beijing (March 29 – 31, 2017), featuring, together with the Tourism Organization of Montenegro, the mutual project Wild Soul of Europe intended for third markets, and after Serbia, as travel destination won the award Top 5 Overseas Destinations – Culture Heritage Tour at the international summit of travel destinations in Beijing (May 7, 2017), the NTOS promoted Serbian
tourism also at tradeshow ITB China (May 10 – 12, 2017) in Shanghai, participating at the stand of European Travel Commission, this year’s Partner of the tradeshow ITB China. Within the tradeshow, the Workshop World Bridge of Tourism was held, as well, under participation of the largest travel agencies and organizers. Under the slogan Visit Europe, the tourism offer for 2018 was featured, which is at the same time also the year of Europe featuring in China.
As declared by Ms. Marija Labović, NTOS CEO, “Our attendance caused very positive reactions. The number of Chinese tourists in Serbia was increased after the introduction of non-visa system in the period January – March 2017 for 116% in the number of arrivals and 61% in the number of nights, compared with the same period last year. We expect the number of Chinese tourists to rise further after the introduction of the direct flight Beijing – Belgrade”.
We would remind the first group of Chinese journalists has already visited Serbia after the visa system cancellation. On this opportunity they visited Golubac, National Park Đerdap, Kladovo, Zaječar and the locality Felix Romuliana, Niš, Monastery Manasija, Resavska Cave, Sremski Karlovci, Novi Sad and Belgrade .
At the 105th Session of the UN Executive Council in Madrid (May 11 – 12, 2017), Ms. Renata Pindžo, Assistant Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Serbia, who also co-presided over this Session, announced on June 29 and 30 this year, Belgrade will be the host of the International Conference ‘Sustainable Tourism Development in the Danube Region – New Perspectives’ having the objective of establishing the policy and strategic basis for the sustainable development of the mutual tourism product and marketing platform in the Danube Region and further. In addition to the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of Serbia, the participants in the Conference organization are also the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).
Announcing this Conference in the year declared as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, they point out in the UNWTO “The Danube Region is overfull of tourism potentials, since it flows from the Black Forest to the Black Sea through 14 countries being the home of more than 115 million of inhabitants of various cultures, traditions and nationalities”. In this respect, the Conference held within the International Danube Day will deal in the matters, such as development of skills, sustainability, transnational cooperation, as well as innovations. Some of the topics of the Conference, which will be attended also by Mr. Taleb Rifai, UNWTO Secretary-General, are “Investment into Staff – Skills Overcoming”, “Development and Promotion of the Danube Transnational Products”, “Heritage Revitalizing through the Creative Industry Products” and others.
The visit to Golubac Fortress, Donji Milanovac, locality Lepenski Vir, sailing on the Danube, a visit to the Court Complex in Belgrade and other locations and destinations will be organized for the Conference attendees, as well.
ISTN provides attached the Conference preliminary program. |

Novi Sad Fair celebrates the Anniversary this year – 50 Years of the LORIST Fairs - Hunting, Fishing, Sport and Tourism. On this occasion, the Tourism Fair Council has been formed, consisting of the representatives of the Republic, Provincial and City Administration, experts within tourism, as well as representatives of institutions, funds, trade associations and organizations, Universities, Faculties and Higher Schools. As declared by Novi Sad Fair Management, „The new Fair conception has been created for the five year period from 2017 to 2021, guided by the objective to position Novi Sad Fair as the organizer of the central event within tourism for the business visitors of the Danube Region. The Novi Sad Tourism Fair has to point out European titles – European Youth Capital 2019 and European Capital of Culture 2021, Exit, the Danube strategy and regional cooperation”.
The Anniversary Tourism Fair will be held on October 5 – 7, 2017 under the motto POWER OF EXPERIENCE. Since this year, it develops also several key sections, among them PARTNER REGION, TOURISM CAREER DAYS, BUSINESS MEETINGS (B2B), INTERNATIONAL GASTRONOMIC COMPETITION OF TOURISM SCHOOL STUDENTS called GASTRO – CHALLENGE and MEDIA FOR TOURISM AND MEDIA ABOUT TOURISM.
The Fair of Sport and Horse Breeding will be organized at the same time as the Tourism Fair. |

Special Hospital Kanjiža Spa, which promotes its current programs and packages MY WEEKEND, ULTRA LAST MINUTE, SHOPPING AND SPA WEEKEND and the TEN DAYS PROGRAM: OSTEOPOROSIS, WELLNESS and TEAM BUILDING at the events THE THIRD AGE FAIR (May 25 – 26, 2017, Belgrade Fair) and BELGRADE MANIFEST (May 26 - 28, 2017, Kalemegdan), enters the full season with the renewed swimming pool complex, the salt sauna, which causes body detoxing, muscle relaxation, strengthened circulation and heart rhythm, as well as sugar in blood balancing and the excursion organization: “Meeting Kanjiža“, „Shopping Tour to Szeged“ and „Visit to the Consumer Goods Market in Subotica”.
Kanjiža Spa, having the curing mud and thermal mineral water with the temperature of 51 to 72°C, beside the medical complex consisting of the hotels Abela and Aquamarin, offers also the accommodation in the hotel „Aquapanon“ (4*) having also a spa center, outdoor and inddor swimming pool with salt water, Jacuzzi and sauna. As declared by Ms. Elena Veselinov, PR of Kanjiža Spa, “At the moment we are fully in action, since the applying for the vouchers of the Government of Serbia to the amount of RSD.5,000 is very much going on. We are preparing also to be the host to many individuals and groups arriving at Kanjiža to attend the unique natural phenomenon – The Tisa River Flourishing, we expect to happen end of May or early June this year.”

In order to make the staying in Kanjiža Spa as attractive as possible, they organize for their guests also the town sightseeing, excursions to the Ethnic House in Male Pijace, Lička House in Velebit (with brandy tasting), Majka Salas and ‘Fruit Queen’ Salas, to the Wine Castle in Hajdukovo (with wine tasting), Zobnatica Stud Farm, as well as to the Palić and Ludoš Lakes.
ISTN provides attached current programs of Kanjiža Spa.
Junaković Spa, in which the senior, cadet and pioneer bowling national teams of Serbia had their teambuilding (April 17 -23, 2017), is also the host of the 39th International Sport Get Together of the Rehabilitation Institutions Staff (May 24 -28, 2017). They, as well as other guests of Junaković Spa, have got at their disposal many sport activities, such as bowling in the eight lane bowling unit, tennis, table tennis, beach volleyball, cycling and others. The offer includes also various Wellness and Spa programs, curing water, sauna, Ai chi practices in the swimming pool, underwater and hand massages, Wellness treatments, as well as the new Pinda Sweda Herbal Spa massage by herbal cushions. In addition to the indoor swimming pool, since May 1, 2017, the outdoor swimming pool with geothermal water is in use, as well. In June, depending upon the weather, the outdoor Olympic swimming pool starts operation.
In Junaković Spa, where the applying for the vouchers of the Government of Serbia to the amount of RSD.5,000 is going on, they also organize a visit to the Town of Apatin sightseeing (the town center, Church of the Synaxis of the Holy Apostles at the Danube, Apatin Marina and others).
ISTN provides attached the current packages and programs of Junaković Spa |


After the successful winter season on Serbian mountains - Kopaonik, Zlatibor and Stara Planina, which lasted 145 days and gave outstanding results - 24% higher income compared with the last year, 44% higher business profit compared with the planned one, 24% more sold ski passes, 20% increased number of skiers and boarders compared with the previous season, the record visit (during a day, there were even 10,000 skiers on Kopaonik), in the Ski Resorts of Serbia they are satisfied by the accomplishment.
As declared by Mr. Dejan Ćika, CEO of the Public Company Ski Resorts of Serbia, „We are now preparing new features for the summer season. In addition to the possible panoramic drive by chairlift, bob on rails, zip line, mountain biking, paragliding and other features, Kopaonik will get this summer also the ADVENTURE PARK, intended for any age. Tornik na Zlatibor gets also a new summer feature – ARTIFICIAL ROCK, in addition to the new lighting at the multi-functional tennis, basketball and mini football ground. A playground with a tower and a toboggan will be arranged for children on Stara Planina”.
And while the summer season preparations are going on in Ski Resorts of Serbia, MK Mountain Resort (Hotels „Grand“ and „Anđela“, as well as the apartment settlement „Konaci“), is offering this mountain guests even now, under the title Breathe Spring on Kopaonik, the outdoor activities, rest and amusement for the whole family, through its programs Feel the Nature, Tour de Kopaonik and others.

The Natural Center of Serbia in Svilajnac, contributes to the tourism offer of the destination opening (on April 5, 2017) two new exhibitions within the permanent one – Geodiversity of Serbia, which explains the geological past of the ground, its geological structure and features the ore wealth of Serbia through 120 exhibits of mineral raw materials, and Volcano, a unique exhibition with the topic of volcanology, which offers the visitors, through the 10 m high volcano models, the answers to the questions: What are volcanoes? Where are they situated? What is their role in the Earth? What types of volcanoes are there? Were there any volcanoes in Serbia? Ms. Ljiljana Čerović, Head of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia Tourism Product Development Department, points out after the Exhibition opening: “The Exhibitions in the Natural Center of Serbia in Svilajnac are of outstanding importance, since this institution was visited by about 100,000 people last year”.
In addition to the new exhibitions Geodiversity of Serbia and Volcano, the current ones in the Natural Center of Serbia in Svilajnac are also „Geological Time Machine“, „The Dinosaurs World”, „The World of Minerals and Rocks”, „Biodiversity of Serbia“, „Paleontology“, „Bioarcheology of Đerdap“, „Ice Age Witnesses”, as well as the Amusement Park „Dinosville“.
Under the auspices of the Embassy of Greece to Belgrade, Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, Greek National Tourism Organization, City of Belgrade and Tourism Organizations of Serbia and Belgrade,, the Greek Weekend was held in Belgrade for the first time (May 20 – 21, 2017), a trade fair/festival/tourism event with the objective of connecting and strengthening already good relations between Serbia and Greece through the promotion of Greek culture, music and gastronomy. |
As declared by Ms. Sofia Lazaridou, Director of Belgrade Office of the Greek National Tourism Organization, „Since Greece has been the most popular holiday destination for the Serbs for many years, we wanted to feature also like this. We are happy to host annually more than 800,000 Serbs. There is great interest in holiday in Greece and everything shows this year’s season will be finished by the increased travel movement to Greece of not less than 20 %“.
„The Greek Weekend“ in Belgrade was full of taste, aroma and sounds of Greece. The music section of the program consisted of the Greek national dances, Bouzouki Band, as well as the DJ show with Greek music.

Organized by the Tourist Prism magazine and the Center for Tourism Development of Serbia (CERTUS), the International Fair of Tourism, Active and Healthy Living under the title Live Healthy (May 13 – 14, 2017, Zira Hotel) was held in Belgrade. As declared by Mr. Đorđe Mihajlović, CEO of the Tourist Prism Magazine,” This is a fair with the objective of the healthy and active living style promotion, through travels and adventure spirit, healthy food, fitness, yoga and extreme sports”.
The Live Healthy Fair, which gathered the exhibitors from the Southeast Europe region, was followed by program presentations, such as Slimming and Healthy Food, Detox Program, Importance of Practices and Breathing, as well as the organized practices and trainings for the visitors. Special lectures were held by VLADIMIR GRBIĆ, volleyball national team player and founder of Vanja Grbić Camp, TATJANA POPOVIĆ, certified Health Coach and the author of the program and the electronic book 5 DAYS DETOX PROGRAM and TAMARA RATKOVIĆ, Aerobic & Fitness Club Star and DRAGANA PLEĆAŠ, Pilates Instructor and Educator.
The best known tourism / cultural event of Kučevo Municipality HOMOLJE MOTIFS, the unique review of the original national creativity of the Eastern Serbia, has been held continuously since 1968 and it is one of the oldest events of this type in Serbia. This event, also the winner of the prestigious awards – Vuk Award and Tourist Flower, has been composed from performances of the original bands and concerts
of cultural / artist ensembles, a large national fair, selling exhibitions of cheese, honey, national handicrafts and the old meals and crafts – Golden Hands, demonstrations of the old method of the gold spilling in the Pek, defile of the review participants in the main street of Kučevo and the selection of the most beautiful female shepherd. |
At the Press Conference in the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, held on the occasion of this year’s anniversary 50th event HOMOLJE MOTIFS, held from May 25 to June 3, 2017 in Kučevo, it was pointed out the HOMOLJE MOTIFS preserve from forgetting the original national dances, guttural singing of female shepherds, the ancient instruments and the old national costumes, in which girls with flowers in their hands welcome the attendees showing the hospitality of the region”.
ISTN provides attached the program of this year’s event HOMOLJE MOTIFS |

Since cruising on the rivers is one of the most demanded tourism products, not only in Europe, but also all over the world and Serbia takes an important place on the Danube flow from Germany to the Black Sea, a Delegation of the International Association IWI (Inland Waterways International) visited Serbia recently (May 9 – 15, 2017), led by the IWI President, Mr. David Edwards May and Mr. Krsta Pašković, President of the Nautic Association The Danube Propeller. Guests from the USA, United Kingdom, France, Belgium and the Netherlands visited first the locks on the canals in Mali Stapar, in the Municipality of Kula and Kucura near Vrbas, since the World Canals Conference was held in Mali Stapar in 2009. On this occasion, the most important facilities of water management heritage in this little village near Sivac were restored. This time, the guests were offered the idea to enhance further the space under the lock at the DTD Canal – by the international camp construction for the waterways maintenance and the construction of another harbor and the Visitor Center establishing. |
For the Delegation of the International Association IWI (Inland Waterways International) a special tour through Serbia was organized under the title The Danube Tour through History. They sailed by ship to Kladovo sailing by the Smederevo Fortress, the confluence of the Morava river into the Danube, the medieval Roman Fortress, the Silver Lake and Veliko Gradište, Golubac Fortress, Donji Milanovac, the Trajan Inscription and Tekija. The tour understood also a visit to Kladovo, the Archaeological Finding Lepenski Vir, the Ancient Locality Viminatium and the Mammoth Park and ended in Belgrade again.