This year’s World Tourism Day, was celebrated under the slogan SUSTAINABLE TOURISM – A TOOL FOR DEVELOPMENT. Also celebrating the World Tourism Day, National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) granted just on this day (September 27, 2017) in the White Royal Court in Belgrade the Tourist Flower awards for important accomplishments in the tourism service quality raising, contribution to the development, advancement and tourism promotion for the period July 2016 – July 2017.
On the occasion of the recognition awarding, Mr. Rasim Ljajić, Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, points out “The Government prepares a set of measures for support to tourism development, the priority is investment into the private sector, which should find its interest in the tourism“.
Awarding the Tourist Flower recognitions, Ms. Marija Labović, CEO of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, explains „This year, the competion was sharp since the most candidates so far applied for it” and points out “Great arrival of the local and international tourists was achieved, which was contributed also by NTOS by its campaigns, workshops, presentations, international fairs attendance and the organization of many visits of international journalists and tour operators. This year, for the first time, the global campaign was organized on BBC and EUROSPORT. The online campaign SERBIA THE PLACE TO BE is still going on and the visits to the Internet pages and social networks were increased for 596%, while the reactions were increased for 165%. Gardian, New York Times, Travel Channel and Discovery wrote about Serbia“.

At the well organized award granting Tourist Flower 2017, the guests with their impressions of Serbia were the journalists of the editorial boards of Lonely Planet Italy, which also published the new Serbia Guide, Discovery Russia and DELO magazine from Slovenia. The campaign of Serbia at Travel Chanell 2018 was announced as premiere, as well (Holiday in the Cities, Active Holiday, Cultural / Historical Heritage and Winter Holiday in Serbia).
The award granting Tourist Flower 2017 reminds the competition for the best ones in Serbian tourism 2018 has already begun.
The Tourist Flower 2017 award winners, which receive beside the Diploma and the appropriate statue, also the attendance at a global Tourism Fair and advertising in the printed media of a selected country in the Region, are:
Incoming Travel Agency – „SABRA COMPANY d.o.o.“ |
Organization or Individual for the Contribution to the Tourism Improvement and Tourist Service Quality Raising |
ALEKSANDRA MIKATA, a journalist of „Večernje Novosti“ |
Special Award out of Competition belonged to the Chinese female writer Danyan Chen, who provides great contribution to the promotion of Serbia at Chinese market |
ISTN provides report from the event the chapter EVENTS.



Chinese city Chengdu was the venue (September 9 – 17, 2017) of the 22nd World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) General Assembly, at which the Guidelines for the adoption of the Draft UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics were approved, the Ad hoc Committee for the preparation of the final text was established and Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, current Ambassador of Georgia to Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Andorra, was appointed for the UNWTO Secretary-General for the period 2018 -2021.
At the General Assembly, attended by about 500 representatives of public and private organizations, destinations, Non-Governmental Organizations, educational institutions and other bodies from more than 150 countries, Serbia was represented by Ms. Renata Pindžo, Assistant Minister of Tourism. Participating in the General Debate on innovative financing frameworks and development cooperation to empower tourism on the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and presenting Serbian tourism results, she highlighted “Like in all developed and successful economies of the modern world, the attitude of Serbia is also based upon the private initiative ideas, entrepreneurship spirit and social consensus about the important role of the Government and the whole society in the encouraging of such values and long term policies”.
Beside the 22nd World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) General Assembly, 62nd Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe, as well as 106th and 107 Sessions of the UNWTO Executive Council were held in Chengdu, as well. On this occasion, the awards for the best Tourism Film were also granted. At this competition, where Serbia participated with the film The Danube in Serbia – 588 Impressions, in the category Eastern Asia & Pacific Region the winner was the Indonesian film „Wonderful Indonesia“, having received at the same time also the majority of votes of those voting on the Internet. |

National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS), the organizer of the national selection of European Destinations of Excellence – EDEN, announced an open competition (on September 15, 2017) for this project with this year’s topic CULTURAL TOURISM. While the topic in 2014 was Non-Material Cultural Heritage (the winner Knjaževac Municipality) and in 2015 Tourism and Local Gastronomy (the winner Pirot Municipality), the year’s topic has the objective to identify and award less developed and less famous destinations including in its tourism promotion the territorial / specific material cultural heritage: on the list of immobile assets of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia, on the list of UNESCO Cultural Heritage and within the thematic cultural routes. |
As declared by Mr. Dejan Crnomarković, EDEN Project Manager in the NTOS, “The winner and two accompanying destinations of the narrowest selection in Serbia will be included in the EDEN Network, having the objectives of platform creation for the good examples exchange from the practice among the awarded destinations and supporting other European destinations to adopt the sustainable tourism development models. The national EDEN awarding will be held in December this year and the winner and two accompanying destinations will be promoted also at the international level though a special publication devoted to this project, as well as by Websites of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, European Commission and social networks”.
The competition is open until October 15, 2017 at 11.59 p. m. and this year’s EDEN Ambassador in Serbia is Mr. Dragan Vučelić, Cultural News Editor of the Radio & Television of Serbia. |
ISTN provides attached the OPEN COMPETITION APPLICATION FORM, as well as the LIST OF MUNICIPALITES IN SERBIA qualified to participate in the open competition based upon the criterion that the total annual tourists number per square kilometer of the individual Municipality shall be less than the national average in 2016 (31,11). |

On the date which may be very good with well-planned approach and comprehensive promotion throughout the year, the 50th International Tourism Fair is held on October 5 – 7, 2017, in Novi Sad. As declared by the organizer, “The Fair is redefined by its conception since this year into the Inbound Tourism Fair with the tourist in its center for whom the offer based upon contemporary motives, expectations and experiences is created. The essence of this Anniversary Fair is The Danube Region, characteristic for a wide range of the complex and diverse historical heritage, cultures, religions, markets, communities and countries”.
In addition to the usual attendance of the Tourism Organizations of Vojvodina, Serbia, Belgrade, Novi Sad and cities and Municipalities all over Serbia, National Association of Travel Agencies YUTA, Serbian Spas Association and others, many attractions have been announced for this year’s Fair, as well. First of all, this is the organization of the Central Exhibition “On the Roman Emperors’ Routes” of the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade. The announcement of the archaeological finding Viminatium that delicacies made according to the recipes of Roman Legionaries will be offered at the Fair also shows the gastronomy will be main point. Vojvodinašume company also announced its attendance with the promotion of hunting tourism, but also gastronomic specialties from its own hunting grounds. The Senior Professional Chefs Competition, the first Gastro Cup Serbia, is held at the Fair, as well, within The Danube Region Gastro Challenge, the Wine Street has been installed in the Master Hall and within the Gastro Planet and representatives of the Embassies in Serbia will cook, as well. In the Fair business section, where the Partner Country is Montenegro, the B2B Platform has been installed under cooperation with the European Entrepreneurship Network within the international meetings The Career Days. This program was established under cooperation with the National Employment Service and it is conceived to help the interested parties to get a tourism job.
Everything announced shows the Novi Sad Tourism Fair, which had conception problems so far, could make a step forward. If it will succeed, we shall see during the event itself.
Along with the Tourism and Sport Fair (October 5 -7, 2017), there are also Hunting, Fishing and Sport Fair LORIST, Horticulture Fair, ECO WORLD Fair (October 3 – 10, 2017) and the Horse Breeding and Equipment Fair (October 5 – 8, 2017). |


The 60th GRAPE PICKING DAYS (September 14 – 17, 2017), generally famous as the GRAPE BALL, were held in Vršac. This event to attain the grape, wine and vineyard fame has got a long tradition and it is organized annually on the third weekend in September. Then, there is a real festival atmosphere in Vršac, the streets are full of wine manufacturers, barbecue masters, souvenir sellers and craft products.
This year’s Anniversary GRAPE BALL, visited also by tourism journalists from Serbia and Romania, were accompanied by many events: The City Keys handing over to Vinko Lozić, grape, wine and fruits exhibition – The Banat Collage, Boulder Fest, the Grape Picking Miss selection, street races, many sport competitions, concerts of art, pop and folk music.
The GRAPE BALL trade mark is the Wine Street opening, at the St. Theodor Vršački Square, in which everyone can see the way wine is manufactured and taste it. Special attractions are the prize game GRAPE THROWING FROM AN AIRPLANE and CARNIVAL, in which 20 bands participated this year. The participants from Zrenjanin, Srpska Crnja, Pančevo, Leskovac, Vršac and other cities featured there. In the procession were also the WINE KNIGHTS, cultural/artistic societies, sport clubs, fencer clubs, Vespa Motorcycle Fan Club and many others.
As declared by Ms. Julkica Mitrašinović, CEO of Tourism Organization of Vršac, „Many event visitors have got the opportunity during the four days in Vršac to get acquainted with the vineyard growing and wine manufacturing tradition of this region, as well as to enjoy in many programs organized at various city locations”.
After the visit to this event, as estimated by the organizer, visited by more than 100,000 people from all regions of Serbia, as well as the neighboring Romania, we had the imposed impression that, beside the good organization, great atmosphere is its most important characteristic. The visit to the next – 61st GRAPE PICKING DAYS GRAPE BALL (September 13 – 16, 2018) has already been ensured now. |
ISTN provides the review of the 60th GRAPE PICKING DAYS – GRAPE BALL in the chapter Food and Wine Routes.
The sixth The Danube Business Forum is held in Novi Sad, devoted to The Danube Strategy and business role in its objectives accomplishing, prosperity strengthening and more efficient use of the potentials.
Representatives of 14 The Danube Region countries attend this Forum, organized by Media Invent and the Institute of the Regions of Europe from Salzburg, with the partners Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina, Council of Danube Cities and Regions, Standing Conference of the Cities and Municipalities of Serbia and Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, under the auspices of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. At the Forum, having the motto ‘All for One, One for All’ the discussion will be about the role of young entrepreneurs, regional cooperation, investments supporting sustainable development and other current topics.
The Conference is held on October 5 – 6, 2017, at the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina, Novi Sad Fair Master Center. |

Aftrer three months of operation, the summer season on Serbian mountains – Kopaonik and Zlatibor was finished. According to the report of the Public Company Ski Resorts of Serbia, „During this time period, 50% higher turnover than in previous year was achieved at the company’s level and more than 82,000 ski passes were sold. For the first time this summer, the features of the Ski Resorts of Serbia operated throughout the week and the summer season was started early June, a month earlier than last year. More than 37,000 drives were performed on the amusement and adrenaline features on Kopaonik and 43,000 on Tornik, Zlatibor”.
During the summer, the visitors to Kopaonik and Tornik enjoyed the panoramic chairlift ride, trekking tours, trim paths, mountain bike and mountain cart runs, as well as bobsleigh on the rails and zip line. The Adventure Park was opened on Kopaonik, as well, many races promoting the mountain biking were organized and the Ski Resorts of Serbia organized also the race Triathlon – 3S for the first time. It should become a traditional summer event in the future.
Important for the tourists were also PROMOTIONAL PACKAGES – SUMMER 2017. Within them, the Ski Resorts of Serbia provided 15% discount to the amusement features price.
After the end of the summer operation, intensive preparations for the forthcoming winter ski season begin. |

Under the title SPECIAL OFFERS – SENIOR 55+, Junaković Spa, where the guests have at their disposal swimming pools with thermal mineral water, diverse Wellness & Spa programs, sauna, practices in the swimming pool, Wellness treatments and various massages, as well as various sport grounds, organizes in the period from October 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018, for all persons at the age of 55 and older, special offers for weekend staying, the staying based upon healthy days and full board, with the possibility of payment in installments.
Junaković Spa Management also entered the market with the program LIVE IN JUNAKOVIĆ SPA. The offer is related to the staying based upon 30 and more full boards. The price includes the swimming pools use, medical examinations and 24 hour monitoring and many other facilitations. The 10% additional discount is approved for married couples. For the Novi Sad Tourism Fair visitors (October 5 – 8, 2017), attended also by Junaković Spa, the vouchers with 10% discount to the accommodation and Wellness services, which may be used until May 1, 2018, are offered, as well.
ISTN provides attached the current packages and programs of Junaković Spa |

After its presentation at Zaječar Tourism Fair (September 29 – 30, 2017), Special Hospital Kanjiža Spa promotes its capacities also at Novi Sad Tourism Fair (October 5 – 8, 2017). The forthcoming season offer includes the programs MY WEEKEND, ULTRA LAST MINUTE, SHOPPING AND SPA WEEKEND and the TEN DAYS PROGRAM: OSTEOPOROSIS, DETOX package and AI CHI program of the spirit and body harmonizing. Special attraction, in addition to the renewed swimming pool, is the SALT SAUNA, in which bricks are used from salt rocks from the Himalaya, combined with wood. |
Complete staying provides its guests with the opportunity, in addition to the rest and recreation, to get insight into their medical condition. And to fill in the leisure, under cooperation with DMO Kanjiža, the excursions “Meeting Kanjiža“, „Shopping Tour to Szeged“ and „Visit to the Consumer Goods Market in Subotica” are organized, as well.
In Kanjiža Spa, the 20% discount for retired persons is still valid and during the Novi Sad Tourism Fair also the special Fair discount of 10% is approved.
ISTN provides attached current programs of Kanjiža Spa.

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) published the information there were 598 million tourists in the world in the first half of this year, which is the highest growth of tourists number for the global tourism since 2010. The increased arrival of international tourists has been noticed in all world regions. Based upon this, Mr. Taleb Rifai, UNWTO Secretary-General, concludes “The travel growth is very important, international travel creates jobs, economic growth and development opportunities for many communities around the world”, highlighting both the local and international travels contribute to it”.
Serbia keeps pace more and faster with the global tourism trends, among others due to increasingly serious and comprehensive education within tourism. DOBA Faculty organizes online studies, enabling full flexibility in this engagement field. As declared by the DOBA Faculty Management “We are the leading performer of the complete online studies, the only 100% online faculty in Serbia and the only Faculty with international accrediting of online studies UNIQUE in the Southeast Europe. We were the first one to start the online studies and at present we have got the highest quality, the most contemporary and the biggest online studies constantly advanced and updated by us. Our students are extremely satisfied and 3,596 graduates prove how much we are successful in this branch. Our accredited online study program within tourism in Serbian language - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM is conceived to process contemporary, practical, internationally oriented features. The students are taught during the studies by the expert from the practice, they are followed by excellent online mentors, preparing them for the work in tourism, in order to provide as good results as possible and be most respected”.
ISTN provides attached the Conditions for the Program Admission BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM, as well as the Information of the Program itself. |
The research conducted among the local and international tourists in Serbia show the EVENTS are one of the most frequently mentioned reasons for the travels in Serbia. There are about 2,000 of them and their number grows annually. We have already written about the fact that many events overlapped in August and September, which is neither good for the organizers, nor for the visitors. However, in October, the event calendar is better assigned and the tourists may visit more sights.
For the forthcoming days, Internet Serbia Travel News suggests you to visit the following ones: |
On October 9 to 11, in Topola, included in the European Destinations of Excellence – EDEN, there is Oplenac Grape Picking, the traditional economic/tourism event of grape celebration and wine tasting. The Picking is accompanied by the Festival of Traditional Craft and Artistic Skills (www.oplenackaberba.org.rs)
On October 10, at the destination Vranjska Spa – Besna Kobila, the JEEP FESTIVAL is held, which beside the get together with the four wheelers, promotes the natural and cultural/historical beauties of the region ( www.tovranje.org.rs)
On October 14 is RAŠKA FESTIVAL, one of the oldest ones in Serbia. It is famous for the Host Street with the exhibiting/selling products, as well as the amusing features ( www.raska-turizam.rs) |
On October 19, in Trstenik, the HUNTING, FISHING AND RURAL TOURISM FAIR is organized, announcing the hunting season beginning, as well as the news in the winter tourism offer ( www.turizamtrstenik.rs) |
On October 20 to 22, in Belgrade Bohemian district Skadarlija, the SKADARLIJA FEST is held with the objective of the city’s tourism potentials promotion and the old Belgrade spirit preservation (www.sacen.eu)
On October 27 to 28, in Futog (Novi Sad) there is the FUTOG CABBAGE FESTIVAL, including, beside Futog cabbage promotion, also the cabbage meal cooking competitions and the heaviest cabbage selection (www.futoskikupus.org)

On November 16, 2017, in Radenci Spa & Health Resort (Slovenia), European Naturas Spas and Wellnes Conference - EUROPEAN NATURAL SPAS CONFERENCE (ENSPA) is held. This Conference, held in 2012 for the first time, brings insight into the selection of natural spas across Europe and their healing properties of thermal water.
As declared by Mr. Iztok Altbauer, Managing Director of Slovenian Spas Association, “European natural spas have long been more than just places to heal and lessen the pain, but temples of wellness and prevention. Natural spas can offer much more since thermal water and other natural elements have been helping heal for centuries.
In today’s world people are becoming more and more aware of the importance of physical and psychic health, in this fast-paced tempo we look for possibilities for regeneration. With the conference ENSPA, we want to guarantee the transfer of knowledge, good practice examples and new ideas in the circle of experts and spa employees”.
At the ENSPA Conference, expert speakers from different educational, research and consulting institutions and health insurance companies will initiate topics, such as “What are the trends in the spa industry”, “How can the healing properties of spa water be used to prevent, renew the physical and psychic energy and preserve health”, “What are the sustainable and socially responsible goals of spas”, “How to encourage the promotion of health”, “What should health insurance companies know” and others.