

In the year of great interest in the holiday in Serbia, when 11% more tourists stayed in it in the first ten months of this year than in the same period last year and when the foreign currency tourism revenue to the amount of 1.35 billion Euros is expected by the end of this year, National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) awarded (on December 11, 2018) its highest recognition - Tourist Flower Award for the important accomplishments in the tourism service quality rising, the contribution to the tourism development, enhancement and promotion in 2018.  
The Tourist Flower granting symbolically completed this, as declared by Rasim Ljajić, Minister of Tourism of Serbia, „The most successful year since 2014, since the number of tourists grew for 55% compared with that year, the number of international tourists grew for 65%, while the foreign currency revenue is higher for 56%“.
Since the best visited resorts of Serbia - Belgrade, Novim Sad, Vrnjačka Spa, Zlatibor and Kopaonik, were joined this year also by Sokobanja and Niš, Ljajić announces including in the tourism map of Serbia another three large destinations until 2020: THE LOWER DANUBE REGION, PALIĆ and DIVČIBARE.

Handing over the Tourist Flower Awards, Marija Labović, NTOS CEO, explains the competition was huge this year since 56 candidates applied for 7 Awards and adds „NTOS also contributed to the high number of the local and international tourists by its campaigns, workshops, presentations, participation in the international trade fairs and the organization of many visits of international journalists and tour operators.

Internet Serbia Travel News reminds the competition for the best ones in the tourism of Serbia 2019 has already begun by
the Tourist Flower Award 2018.


The Tourist Flower Award 2018 winners, winning besides the diploma and the appropriate statue, also the participation at a global Tourism Fair and advertising in the printed media of the selected country of the Region, are:
 Tourism Organization
 Tourism Event
 Incoming Travel Agency
 Hospitality Facility:
   - "PREMIER AQUA", Vrdnik
   - "IVANJIČKI KONACI", Ivanjica
Organization or Individual for the Contribution to the Tourism Improvement and Tourist Service Quality Raising:
- RADOVAN RAIČEVIĆ, CEO of Planinka Inc. Kuršumlija
RADOVAN RAIČEVIĆ, direktor AD "Planinka" Kuršumlija

Special Award out of competition belonged to the Professor Emeritus SLOBODAN UNKOVIĆ from Singidunum University for
his large contribution to the Serbian tourism development


National tourism organization of Serbia
"Tourist Flower"

fax. +381 11 26 26 767


Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications
Department of tourism

+ 381 11 3122855




For the first time after ten years, under the slogan “Belgrade – Tradition with a Vision“, National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) and  Danube Tourist Consulting (DTC) agency organized the 23rd International Danube Shipping and Tourism Conference (December 4, 2018, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belgrade), where the representatives of the river cruiser companies met, such as A-Rose, Viking Cruises, Rius Cruises, Crystal River Cruises, as well as other service providers along the whole waterway of the Danube. All of them plan taking tourists by ships to these regions, consider the Danube not only as one of the most significant shipping routes, but also as an attractive travel destination with culture, tradition, history, ethnic and natural diversity.

Thus, Gerhard Skoff, on behalf of DTC agency, encouraged in his introduction speech the companies' representatives to take as many tourists to Serbia as possible by as many ships as possible, to let the guests stay as long as possible in it, getting to know Belgrade, Novi Sad and the Danube in Serbia and let this destination be as present as possible in the 2020 programs. Since according to the NTOS data for 2017, 531 river cruisers with the total of about 70,000 tourists entered Serbia, Marija Labović, NTOS CEO, reminds the Danube is the permanent topic of NTOS promotions, it was even the central one in 2016, The Danube was presented this year in China, as well, within the CITM Travel Mart with Germany and Hungary, but, unfortunately, the Danube is not adequately present in the travel agencies' programs, which this Conference has got the opportunity to change. How important the Danube is for Serbia shows also the fact presented by Miroslav Knežević, State Secretary for Tourism, reminding the Danube was in the Serbian tourism development strategy until 2025, the Ministry invested more than 330 million RSD in the harbor construction at the destinations from Sremski Karlovci to Kladovo since 2015, funds were given also to the tourism destinations near the harbors, such as Petrovaradin, Golubac fortress, Smederevo fortress, Viminatium, Lepenski Vir and others and all ten harbors were planned to be finished until the next season, among them especially interesting the one that will be in Zemun.


Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Department
of tourism

+ 381 11 3139671



National tourism organization
of Serbia

+ 381 11 6557100



According to the data of the Statistical Institute of the Republic of Serbia, the territory of Vojvodina was visited by 14.4% more international tourists than in the previous year and the number of nights has been increased for 13.7%. The most visited destinations are Novi Sad, Subotica and Sombor. Opening of the (IPA-CBC) project IDENTIS (Integrated Development of Natural and Cultural Tourism in Tisa River Region) with the Republic of Hungary (Csongrád County) will also contribute to the expansion of the number of visited destinations in the following period, with the aim of the advancement of the Tisa Region and 11 Municipalities, included in it.

Nataša Pavlović, CEO of the Tourism Organization of Vojvodina, the leading partner at the Project, says: “The IDENTIS Project is the mutual initiative of both partners included in each section of the development. Priority is problem solving related to the lack of the tourism offer and the partners agree on the mutual tourism offer potential, which may be interesting to both the local population and the international tourists. The expected main outcome of the Project is the increase of the visits to the cultural heritage and attractions in the Tisa Region, as well as the establishing of cooperation between the Tourism Organizations, Tour operators, companies and population of the two neighboring countries“.
The Project IDENTIS, for the execution of which 206.3 thousand Euros were planned from the European Union funds, was approved for financing within the second invitation of the Interreg IPA program of the cross border cooperation Hungary – Serbia 2014-2020.


The Tourism Organization of Vojvodina

+381 21 452910



After its participation in the traditional KOPAONIK EVENING in Belgrade (November 20, 2018), Ski Resorts of Serbia announced at the International Fair of Winter Sport Equipment, Tourism and Recreation EXPOZIM 2018 (November 29 – December 2, 2018, Belgrade Fair) what expected the skiers and boarders in this winter season on the mountains of Serbia - Kopaonik, Zlatibor (Tornik) and Stara Planina, but also in the Region, first of all in the Republic of Srpska, on Jahorina. Dejan Ćika, CEO of the Public Company Ski Resorts of Serbia, and Dejan Ljevnaić, CEO of the Olympic Center Jahorina, signed the Business Cooperation Contract, which understands the exchange of ski passes. Thus, the owners of the seasonal ski pass for Kopaonik will have the possibility of four days of free skiing on Jahorina, and the owners of the seasonal ski passes for Jahorina will have two days of free skiing on Kopaonik. The exchange is valid also for the ski resorts Tornik and Stara Planina, where the owners of the seasonal ski passes will be able to ski for three days free of charge in these ski resorts. For the regional connection, the Ski Resorts of Serbia had such cooperation type in the previous period with Slovenian and Montenegrin ski resorts. At the beginning of the winter season 2018/2019, Dejan Ćika says: „ At the Kopaonik Ski Resort the artificial snowing systems have been started and preparations of the tracks for the season beginning are underway. Double ski lift at Marine Vode is being installed, new tracks, 2 km long, at the Gvozdac location have been constructed, a new track section was made toward Pančić and Duboka, since this winter the skiers will have another night track on the Pančić Peak and we also introduce an attraction - taxi stamper. The advance sales of ski passes grew for 25%. The last year’s ski season exceeded all expectations, considerable incomes were achieved, the skiers number was increased for 20% and we expect even better results in this season“.

The Ski Resorts of Serbia have got in this winter season also  PROMOTIONAL  WEEKENDS – Ski Week (January 14 – 20, 2019 and February 18 – 24, 2019, with 10% discount to three to seven days ski passes and Ski Weekend (March 7 – 10, 2019 and March 21 – 24, 2019, with 20% discount to two and four days ski passes). Kopaonik visitors are expected  also by various music/entertainment features in the Sport Valley, many international competitions in Alpine skiing and snowboard disciplines, the Friendly 3S Race and various other activities.

ISTN provides attached the price list of the Ski Resorts of Serbia for the winter season 2018/2019.



+ 381 11 3117901


The 3rd edition of the WEEK OF ITALIAN CUISINE IN THE WORLD was held in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš and Subotica (November 19 -25, 2018). Since gastronomy is one of the most important tourist trumps of each country, this year's event topic, including more than 1,300 events in 110 countries in the world, was Mediterranean Diet, recognized by UNESCO in 2010 as the protected asset and included it in the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List. In this respect, at the introduction event called Tastings of Italy in Serbia, H.E. Mr. Carlo Lo Cascio, Ambassador of Italy to Serbia, highlighted „The event aim is not only to enjoy good food, but to unite the economy, culture and tradition and to show what makes the Mediterranean cuisine the healthiest one in the world“.

The Week of Italian Cuisine in Serbia was organized by the Embassy of Italy in Belgrade, under cooperation with the Italian Institute of Culture (IIC), Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE), Camera di Commercio Italo Serba (CCIS), Association of Italian Businessmen in Serbia (Confindustria Serbia), Vice Consulate of Italy in Subotica and the Cultural Center Piazza Italia.

A form part of the Week of Italian Cuisine in Serbia were also the seminars  „Italian Olive Oil – Symbol of Living Quality“, “Territory, Quality, Food, Health” and “Cheese Types of Italy, Art and Skill“, two days Fair of Italian Products “Made in Italy in Serbia”, as well as the evening dedicated to the food in Italian works “Food in Italian Literature”.

The cooking skills of Italy, for which tourists visit this destination with pleasure, were showed also through „Cooking Live', which is one of the characteristics of the Week of Italian Cuisine, the Italian Chef Eros Picco, decorated by Michelin Star, held the 'Masterclass', while in accordance with the tradition from previous years called „Everyone at the Table“, 26 restaurants  in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš and Subotica offered special menu for tasting, dedicated to The Third WEEK OF ITALIAN CUISINE IN THE WORLD.  

The Embassy of Italy in Belgrade





They know at the Singidunum University learning through practice certainly provides the best results and they organized for the students of the FACULTY OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT from Belgrade, as well as for those from the Singidunum University Centers from Niša and Novi Sad a visit to the Philoxenia Tourism Exhibition in Thessaloniki (Greece) (November 9 – 12, 2018), where   350 exhibitors from 32 countries presented their offers. Among the participants were also Tourism Organizations of Belgrade and Niš, Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tourism Organization of the Republic of Srpska and others. In order to get new experiences, the Singidunum students visited also Budapest and Szent Andrea (November 16 – 19, 2018), getting to know the life of the Serbs in Hungary, bilateral and economic relations of the two countries, as well as the tourism offer.

  With their colleagues from Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania and other countries, the students of the FACULTY OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT at Singidunum University met also in Novi Sad, at the 5th International Conference of Students of Tourism and Hotel Management MEKST (November 23- 25, 2018), where they discussed digital marketing implementation in tourism, new trends in hospitality management and investment potentials and  the future tourism development of the region.



+ 381 11 3093229


Niš, one of the most important City Break destinations in Serbia, is at the same time one of the most demanded New Year’s Eve destinations. At the recently held International Tourism and Rural Tourism Fair in Kragujevac, but also at the Philoxenia Tourism Exhibition in Thessaloniki, there was great interest just in the holiday programs in Niš and Niška Spa. They declare from the Tourism Organization of Niš the number of tourists visiting this city grows. Thus, in the first nine months of this year, this number grew for 17% compared with the same period last year. Not only from Serbia and Europe, also the tourists from other continents visit Niš. The growing trend first of all of the international tourists coincides with the traffic development at the Constantine the Great Airport, but also with the stronger city promotion, attendance of the trade fairs in Serbia and abroad, as well as the organized visits of the global journalists.

Uroš Parlić, CEO of the Tourism Organization of Niš, highlights „The aim of study travels organizing is visibility growing of the tourism offer of Niš, the city liked by tourists, according to our research, mostly because of the hospitable people”. That the inhabitants of Niš are hospitable is showed by almost sold out capacities for the New Year’s Eve in this city. Most tourists arrive from Bulgaria and Macedonia, but also from other countries, first of all those of the Region.



Tourism Organization of Niš

+381 18 505689




Novi Sad, the city declared by the Lonely Planet the third best destination that should be visited in 2019, which will enter the New Year 2019 as the European Youth Capital, was visited, according to the data of the Statistical Institute of the Republic of Serbia, in the period January – October 2018, by 8.4% tourists more than at the same period last year. The number of international tourists is higher for 14.4% and the most nights were achieved by the tourists from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, China, Russian Federation, Germany, Spain, Macedonia, Greece and other countries.  Encouraged by such a good visit, Tourism Organization of Novi Sad started the campaign Winter Phantasy, including Novi Sad Winter Fest, with fiacre rides, holiday music, The Ice Forest, skating rink and the traditional winter Vojvodina’s specialties.

What makes the Winter Phantasy, which programs were planned or are in progress, the Tourism Organization of Novi Sad posted on the social networks and website: 



Tourism Organization of Novi Sad

+ 381 21 421811




KANJIŽA SPA, one of the medical tourism leaders in Serbia, which won THE TRUSTED COMPANY Certificate from the Center for the Clients’ Opinion Research for excellent reputation, persistence in work and the correct cooperation with the clients and business associates and the owner of the prestigious recognition TOURISM TISA FLOWER for its contribution to the tourism development of Kanjiža Municipality, is ready for the guests who will spend the New Year’s Eve 2019 both in the halls and, very originally, at the swimming pool, which was absolute hit also in the previous years among the guests.

This outstanding medical/tourism institution equipped with the state of the art physical medicine and medical rehabilitation devices, intended both for those who come for prevention, using various anti-stress, spa and sport programs and those who need rehabilitation, has got also very diverse weekend programs and those created for the retired persons. Elena Veselinov, PR of Kanjiža Spa, points out for the Internet Serbia Travel News „We accelerate here the way to health and beauty under implementation of the curing factor and professional monitoring of our outstanding medical team. Thus, the complete staying provides the guests with the opportunity, besides the rest and recreation, also to get insight in their health condition”.

For those who would like it, they organize in the KANJIŽA SPA also the excursions  “Meeting Kanjiža“, „Shopping Tour to Szeged“ and „Visit to the Consumer Goods Market in Subotica”.

ISTN provides attached the NEW YEAR’s EVE program, as well as the other ones of Kanjiža Spa




The Kanjiža Spa

+381 24 875163


At the recently held meeting (November 23, 2018) in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Belgrade Chamber of Commerce it was discussed about the Successful Business and the Economic Ambient in 2019, through the topics related just to Belgrade and the regional cooperation and initiatives. One of the topics was related also to the MEDICAL TOURISM having all chances to enhance the city's tourism offer, but there are problems in the execution, due to the lack of the legal regulations. And let us remind, the global researches with the topic medical tourism showedabout 203 million Europeans annually go for travels for medical reasons and spent there about 115 billion Euros. The statistics also say 5% of all international travels are related to the medical tourism (in the total turnover structure, about 40% goes for dental services, 42% for orthopedics, cardiology, cardiac surgery and neurosurgery and 15% for esthetic operations). Experience shows the key factor in the destination selection, other than just the price, is certainly also the medical service standard, but also the attractiveness of the location in the tourism sense. In this respect Serbia has got all chances to be interesting to those who connect beautiful, useful and healthy and one of more demanded institutions in thuis branch is DIVA LASER CENTER in Belgrade, dermatological institution with the longest tradition, which follows all global trenads and achievements in the esthetic medicine. Nataša Zmbov, Founder of DIVA LASER CENTER, says „In order to follow up the innovations, Diva Laser center associates and the dermatologists of the Dermatology Office Diva Medical attended (November 6 – 9, 2018) the 14th Congress of the European Association of Dermato Oncology (EADO) in Barcelona and got to know the latest diagnostic and therapy methods”.

DIVA LASER CENTER, under cooperation with its partner, Dermatology Office Diva Medical, prepared in this period many holiday discounts and for the patients coming from the whole region, CONSULTING FOR DERMATOLOGICAL LASER IS FREE OF CHARGE.




Beograd, Prote Mateje 9
+381 11 2444676


Nautical tourism, the eternal and never completely used opportunity of Serbia, under support of all those having to offer something, will be presented at the 50th Anniversary Boat Show & Watersports Exhibition BOOT in Düsseldorf within the pavilion of the International Association IWI (Inland Waterways International).  
The nautical potentials of Serbia will be promoted by the Nautical Association The Danube Propeller and My Ship, as well as Nautical Magazine. Since one of the 16 halls in total will be fully devoted to the boating and nautical tourism at the rivers and canals, besides France, Ireland, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands and other countries, Serbia will also be able to present its offer, in which the inland waterways make a serious nautical / tourism resource. 

The Nautical Show Boot in Düsseldorf, visited by about 250,000 visitors from more than 100 countries, is held on January 19 – 27, 2019.


Danube Propeller   

+ 381 63 7162495



Adria Hotel Forum (AHF), the regional hotel – investment conference, will be held for the first time in Belgrade, in accordance with the original idea the Forum should be organized in all capitals of the region. The topic of the seventh edition of the Forum will be „Is the future bright?“, and within it, the issue of the new financial crisis will be entailed, predicted for 2020, the bureaucracy that investors face in the region will be compared, and the research results will be discussed what kind of projects are the most interesting for the investors. The Forum organizers say besides the representatives of the global hotel companies, the investors and consultants, their arrival at Belgrade has already been confirmed also by Ministers of several regional countries.

Adria Hotel Forum is held on February 20 – 21, 2019, in Belgrade, in Crowne Plaza Hotel.


